

Stories this photo appears in:

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New city protocol irritates City Council members

The days of council members speaking directly to department directors and other City Hall staff to resolve a problem are over.

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City Council approves 2019-20 spending plan, but with flaws

“We made it,” City Council President Cynthia I. Newbille said after the council approved the 2019-20 budget Monday night without discussion.

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More taxes

Mayor Stoney proposes tax hikes on real estate, cigarettes and utility rates to generate more money for city needs

More money, more money, more money.

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Economic injustice?

Report shows city spending with minority-owned businesses has dropped nearly 48 percent since 2014

From the mayor’s office to key positions at City Hall, African-Americans continue to play big roles in Richmond’s government. But the issue of city spending with black businesses and the promotion of black inclusion, inexplicably, appears to be taking a backseat to other priorities, with Mayor Levar M. Stoney having publicly spoken little about inclusion and economic justice during his 18-month tenure.