

Thousands of people fill the area in front of the South Portico of the state Capitol during Saturday’s March for Our Lives rally and march in Richmond. The event was sponsored by a variety of community groups and organizations, including Richmond Public Schools, the Richmond Branch NAACP, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, the Richmond Peace Education Center, The Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence and Liberal Women of Chesterfield County and Beyond.

Thousands of people fill the area in front of the South Portico of the state Capitol during Saturday’s March for Our Lives rally and march in Richmond. The event was sponsored by a variety of community groups and organizations, including Richmond Public Schools, the Richmond Branch NAACP, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, the Richmond Peace Education Center, The Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence and Liberal Women of Chesterfield County and Beyond.

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Tease photo

‘Our ballots will stop bullets’

Thousands take to streets in Richmond, D.C. and across the nation to demand gun control and school safety

Chanting “Enough is enough” and “Never again,” more than 5,000 students and other demonstrators marched through Richmond last Saturday as part of a nationwide protest against mass school shootings and gun violence.