Play Ball: The Metropolitan Junior Baseball League joined with Major League Baseball, the Richmond Flying Squirrels and the City of Richmond to host “PLAY BALL,” a free event to interest youngsters ages 5 to 13 in baseball and softball. Hundreds of youths turned out April 6 for the event at Hotchkiss Field on Brookland Park Boulevard in North Side.
The Richmond Flying Squirrels and the City of Richmond, co-hosted “PLAY BALL,” a kid-focused event at Hotchkiss Field on Saturday, April 6. David James, right, vice president of baseball and softball development with MLB, encourages the youngsters to participate. The skill development session included stations to practice hitting home runs, running bases and bat and ball games. Participants received bats and balls, T-shirts and wristbands. (Ava Reaves)
- 3:53 a.m., 3/15/2025