

It’s a family affair: When the string didn’t work on Sunday to unveil the honorary North Side street sign for the late Clarence L. Townes Jr., Townes family members and friends lifted Mr. Townes’ great-grandson, 8-year-old Ryland Willis, to remove the sign’s covering. A crowd turned out for the honor to the late Richmond business and civic leader who also was chairman of the Richmond School Board for four years. He died in January 2017. Below, the Townes family stands by the sign located at the intersection of Ladies Mile Road and the 3100 block of Hawthorne Avenue.  (Ava Reaves)

It’s a family affair: When the string didn’t work on Sunday to unveil the honorary North Side street sign for the late Clarence L. Townes Jr., Townes family members and friends lifted Mr. Townes’ great-grandson, 8-year-old Ryland Willis, to remove the sign’s covering. A crowd turned out for the honor to the late Richmond business and civic leader who also was chairman of the Richmond School Board for four years. He died in January 2017. Below, the Townes family stands by the sign located at the intersection of Ladies Mile Road and the 3100 block of Hawthorne Avenue. (Ava Reaves)