

Astronaut Neil Armstrong, commander of the historic Apollo 11 mission, stands outside the lunar module called “Eagle” during the July 20, 1969, moon landing. Astronaut Buzz Aldrin took the photograph with a Hasselblad 70mm camera. Because Mr. Armstrong took most of the photos as the astronauts worked on the lunar surface, this is one of the few showing Mr. Armstrong on the moon.

Astronaut Neil Armstrong, commander of the historic Apollo 11 mission, stands outside the lunar module called “Eagle” during the July 20, 1969, moon landing. Astronaut Buzz Aldrin took the photograph with a Hasselblad 70mm camera. Because Mr. Armstrong took most of the photos as the astronauts worked on the lunar surface, this is one of the few showing Mr. Armstrong on the moon.

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Tease photo

Moon memories: Reflections on Apollo 11 on 50th anniversary of historic landing

Dr. Carroll H. Ellis Jr. remembers Apollo 11 vividly. Though he was only 14 years old on July 20, 1969, the geoscientist can still recall the excitement 50 years ago when American astronauts landed on the moon and took their first steps. The technical skill it took then is impressive even to this day.