

A sign of support or a statement? This homemade “Black Lives Matter” banner was spotted on a brick wall in front of a Monument Avenue residence near Allen Avenue, the intersection where the huge statue to Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee stands on a traffic circle. The area around the statue has been the epicenter of protests over racial injustice and police brutality since May. Signs like this one and logos with BLM have become commonplace on businesses and other buildings in and near Downtown and the circle following an early spate of window-smashing, fires and looting. The signs often were posted as plea for anyone bent on destruction to spare a structure.

A sign of support or a statement? This homemade “Black Lives Matter” banner was spotted on a brick wall in front of a Monument Avenue residence near Allen Avenue, the intersection where the huge statue to Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee stands on a traffic circle. The area around the statue has been the epicenter of protests over racial injustice and police brutality since May. Signs like this one and logos with BLM have become commonplace on businesses and other buildings in and near Downtown and the circle following an early spate of window-smashing, fires and looting. The signs often were posted as plea for anyone bent on destruction to spare a structure.