

Three generations of the Lewis family will be celebrating Christmas at home in Mechanicsville. They are, standing from left, Jezmon Lewis, Brandon Lewis, Amber Lewis with the family dog, Ella, and Nickkol Lewis. Seated are Mr. Lewis’ mother, Deborah Miller, left, and Mrs. Lewis’ mother, Deborah Joseph.

Three generations of the Lewis family will be celebrating Christmas at home in Mechanicsville. They are, standing from left, Jezmon Lewis, Brandon Lewis, Amber Lewis with the family dog, Ella, and Nickkol Lewis. Seated are Mr. Lewis’ mother, Deborah Miller, left, and Mrs. Lewis’ mother, Deborah Joseph.

Stories this photo appears in:

Tease photo

New day, new year

Journey of past year filled with health challenges and separations brings Mechanicsville family closer together

During the past 19 months, three generations of the Lewis family have experienced what many families fear – infection with the COVID-19 virus and cancer.