Stories this photo appears in:

City Council reaches consensus on redistricting map
The redistricting work of setting boundaries for the nine Richmond City Council and School Board districts appears to be complete.

Minor shifts expected in city redistricting
The majority of Richmond residents, as anticipated, will not experience any impact from the boundary changes made once every 10 years to City Council and School Board districts.

City Council to consider design funding for new George Wythe on Feb. 28
Despite meeting on Valentine’s Day, Richmond City Council passed on an opportunity to end its feud with the Richmond School Board over the size of the proposed replacement for the aged and decrepit George Wythe High School.

City utility field technicians miffed about exclusion from city bonuses
Field technicians from the Richmond Department of Public Utilities are upset that City Hall failed to include them among the first responders, such as police officers and firefighters, who received pandemic bonuses of up to $3,000 each during the holidays.

Sources: $12.8M city budget error found by outside auditor
Richmond’s outside auditor has uncovered a $12.8 million error that has inflated the amount of surplus the city has reported for several years, the Free Press has been told.

City plans new Park and Ride-type initiative
Instead of driving into Downtown and searching for parking, how about parking and catching a bus or van that would link you to the Pulse rapid transit to ride to your destination?