

Nine Richmond families from the Historic Jackson Ward community: Anderson, Barbour, Brown, Bryant, Clay, Cotman, Gilbert, Jefferies and Rodwell gather to learn more about their family history their ancestral DNA through an inaugural project, “Reclaiming Our Time: Genealogy & DNA Big Reveal,” sponsored by the City of Richmond. The Aug.19 program at the Virginia Museum of History and Culture began with processional drumming by the RAM Drum Circle, which ushered in the project’s participants and genealogist, Dr. Paula Royster, CEO, Center for African American Genealogical Research, based in Fredericksburg. Dr. Royster researched each family and presented what she found to the individuals, extended family and others who attended the program.

Nine Richmond families from the Historic Jackson Ward community: Anderson, Barbour, Brown, Bryant, Clay, Cotman, Gilbert, Jefferies and Rodwell gather to learn more about their family history their ancestral DNA through an inaugural project, “Reclaiming Our Time: Genealogy & DNA Big Reveal,” sponsored by the City of Richmond. The Aug.19 program at the Virginia Museum of History and Culture began with processional drumming by the RAM Drum Circle, which ushered in the project’s participants and genealogist, Dr. Paula Royster, CEO, Center for African American Genealogical Research, based in Fredericksburg. Dr. Royster researched each family and presented what she found to the individuals, extended family and others who attended the program.