Stories this photo appears in:

No systemic racism?, by Dr. E. Faye Williams
I woke up a few days ago expecting, almost hoping, that my day would be sufficiently uneventful so as not to aggravate my spirit. Instead, while listening to “The View,” I heard Sen. Tim Scott proclaim, “There is no Systemic Racism in America.”

Power, by Dr. E. Faye Williams
“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” — Lord John Acton

Courage, by Dr. E. Faye Williams
War is inhumane! War is madness! In a world of ra- tional thinkers, war should be unnecessary! Historically, war has been the exercise of national power, authority and autonomy in the circumstance of irreconcilable difference — or the reaction to it. As with many other past conflicts, the world’s current war is the result of an irreconcilable difference conceived in the mind of an ego-stricken madman — “Fighting to be Heard” Vladimir Putin.

Woodson’s wisdom, by Dr. E. Faye Williams
Carter Godwin Woodson, The Father of Negro (Black) History, remains an invaluable source of historic information and critical thinking, which prepares today’s young African- Americans to confront and challenge the persistent racism that continues to plague the national psyche.

The party of Lincoln?, by Dr. E. Faye Williams
There are many memories of my first years in school which remain etched in my mind. I remember learning the Pledge of Allegiance and the national anthem.