Stories 3 results of 168

60th Anniversary
Members of the Richmond 34 remember their historic lunch counter protest in Downtown
On Feb. 22, 1960, more than 200 Virginia Union University students protested the whites- only policy at the restaurant and lunch counter at Thalhimers department store in Downtown, challenging its segregationist dining policy in solidarity with similar student efforts taking place across the country.

RRHA taking comments on what qualities next CEO should possess
The Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority is asking the public to weigh in on what qualities the next CEO should possess.

COVID-19 brings adjustments to area colleges
Richmond area colleges and universities plan to step up sanitation measures and reduce campus populations by turning to more online classes in dealing with coronavirus as the fall semester begins.
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Members of the Richmond 34, from left, Raymond B. Randolph Jr., Elizabeth Johnson Rice, Wendell T. Foster and Dr. Leroy M. Bray Jr., talk about …
Published on February 28, 2020
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