Stories 3 results of 690
RRHA’s annual plan for 2019-20 finally approved by HUD
It took nearly a year, but the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority has finally received federal approval for its 2019-20 annual plan.
$ for schools
Mayor Levar M. Stoney announces $800M plan to fully fund school construction over next 20 years
The mayor announced a plan on Dec. 20 to provide the $800 million that Richmond Public Schools wants to improve and modernize schools, a majority of which are 60 or more years old and seven of which are 100 years old.
City Council approves 2019-20 spending plan, but with flaws
“We made it,” City Council President Cynthia I. Newbille said after the council approved the 2019-20 budget Monday night without discussion.
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