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Former Newport News Delegate Mamye BaCote, a member of the Richmond 34, dies at 81

As a student at Virginia Union University, Mamye Edmondson BaCote took part in the lunch counter sit-ins led by VUU students to end whites-only, sit-down service at restaurants and lunch counters in Downtown.

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The Market @ 25th working to build success

The opening of The Market @ 25th last April was marked with great fanfare, Armstrong High School’s marching band, a balloon release and high hopes for a community known for being a food desert.

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Arbor Day Foundation offering trees

Get 10 free white flowering dogwood trees when you join the Arbor Day Foundation. The price to join: $10.

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Delegate Bagby hosting virtual lecture Nov. 12 in new role as visiting prof at VUU

Delegate Lamont Bagby, who has since 2015 represented a district in the House of Delegates that includes parts of Richmond and Henrico County, is serving as a visiting professor at Virginia Union University for the current academic year, the university announced on Tuesday.

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Technology bridges equitable access in Va., by Shara Gibson

Access to technology is a vital step in ensuring equitable opportunities for everyone, specifically when it comes to minority small business owners. Our country relies on the entrepreneurial spirit that the “American Dream” has inspired in all of us, and access to technology is the backbone of creating successful and sustainable businesses.

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Layoffs, other challenges hit The Market@25th

A new Church Hill grocery store is facing challenges five months after opening.

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Henrico to replace voting machines

Henrico County is joining Richmond in replacing its voting machines to comply with new state requirements. Ahead of the June 9 primary, the county inked a deal this week to pay $1.2 million to buy new optical scan machines, Voter Registrar Mark J. Coakley announced.

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Registration is needed for some to receive federal stimulus money

If you didn’t file taxes in 2018 and 2019, you can still get a $1,200 stimulus payment from the federal government. The U.S. Department of the Treasury has launched a new online tool that is accessible by computer or cell phone with internet access to allow people to register and receive the stimulus payment, it has been announced.

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LeBron leading Lakers against his old Heat team in NBA finals

For four glorious seasons, LeBron James was the ultimate hero of Miami. Now he’s the villain.

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Proposed new Virginia ‘tech tax’ sparks backlash from business community

Trade associations representing hundreds of companies that do business in Virginia have come out swinging against a proposal to expand the state sales tax to cover digital goods, something Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin proposed and Democrats endorsed in their budget legislation.

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Natural gas getting cheaper in Richmond

Heating and cooking with natural gas just got a little cheaper in Richmond. Effective with February’s bills, the cost of the fuel is being lowered again, saving the average residential customer about $6 a month, the city Department of Public Utilities just announced. It’s more good news for consumers who also are enjoying cheaper gasoline prices to fuel their vehicles.

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What’s all the Hoopla?

Richmond Public Library doubles its digital offerings

The Richmond Public Library just doubled its offerings of books, music, movies, TV shows, video games and other items, and it didn’t have to buy anything.

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Stolen private account information discovered by UR security

During a security sweep, the University of Richmond’s information security staff discovered a website containing a list of stolen account credentials — a list with approximately 1.4 billion pieces of private account information such as email addresses and passwords.

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African dance company eyeing former Jackson Ward church building

Could the vacant former Sharon Baptist Church in Jackson Ward become a performing arts center for an African dance company and other arts groups?

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Richmond area resident wins national publishing competition

Freelance writer Robin Farmer is set to release her first book, “Angel Dressed in Black,” in 2021 after winning a nationwide indie publishing contest.

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Utility giants abandon natural gas pipeline plans

The rural tranquility of Union Hill — a community that newly freed slaves built in Buckingham County after the Civil War — is no longer facing disturbance from a giant, noisy natural gas compressor.


Sign up for affordable health care by Feb. 15

Too many in our city lack health insurance. However, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) affords us the opportunity to do something about it. Residents can now take advantage of an open enrollment period for health care plans available under the ACA.

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Jehovah’s Witnesses move annual conventions online for second year

For the second consecutive year, the Jehovah’s Witnesses have canceled their large, in-person annual three-day conventions in Richmond and around the globe because of the coronavirus pandemic.