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Plans shelved to turn Highland Park school into apartments

A $10 million proposal to convert the former St. Elizabeth Catholic School on North Side into 92 affordable apartments for the elderly and disabled has been sidelined, at least for the time being.

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Church collecting basic necessities for incarcerated people

A Church Hill congregation is seeking to dramatically expand its efforts to provide care packages of toiletries and underwear to people who are incarcerated, it has been announced.


Volunteers working hard to clear, maintain cemetery

Re “VCU center developing master plan for historic Evergreen Cemetery,” Free Press March 15-17 edition: We’re writing to offer a clarification to your article. Toward the end of the story about Evergreen Cemetery, the writer refers to “adjoining neglected and abandoned East End Cemetery.” In fact, a huge swath of East End has been cleared for years and is being maintained year-round by volunteers.

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Class of 2020 has hope in President Obama

Could Barack Obama deliver a national graduation address to students? Stay tuned.

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Monument Avenue 10K now a national championship

In case no one has noticed, the annual Monument Avenue 10K has changed dramatically. The event continues to draw more than 25,000 participants and ranks among Richmond’s best organized and most anticipated community activities.

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Personality: Robert N. Barnette Jr.

Spotlight on board chairman of Virginia Alliance Against Mass Incarceration

Robert N. Barnette Jr. says he was inspired to accept the position as board chairman of the Richmond-based Virginia Alliance Against Mass Incarceration after reading “Billion Dollar Divide,” a report by the Justice Policy Institute in April 2014. “I wanted to lend my voice to a worthy cause,” he says.

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‘They tried to ban one. We’re coming back with a hundred’

Hundreds of pastors both rallied and prayed last week outside the trial of three white men charged in the killing of Ahmaud Arbery. They gathered in response to a defense lawyer’s bid to keep Black ministers out of the courtroom.

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Student protests bring down Mizzou president, chancellor

The University of Missouri’s president stepped down Monday, and its chancellor moved aside, after protests by the school’s students and football team over alleged inaction against racial abuse on campus.

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City Council continues talks on school funding

Richmond City Council appears to be stuck between a rock and a hard place as it seeks to craft a balanced $709 million operating budget that would become effective July 1. On one side are passionate supporters of Richmond’s public schools who want the council to shift more local tax dollars into public education to avoid the potential shutdown of Armstrong High School and four elementary schools. Find the money, they say.

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Personality: Sanaa Hayes

Spotlight on Richmond Public Schools top 2022 valedictorian with 5.03 GPA

It was in early May when Sanaa Hayes learned that she was an extraordinary academic achiever, not just for her high school, but the entire Richmond Public Schools system.

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Covid-19 testing, vaccines

Free community testing for COVID-19 continues.

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Free COVID-19 testing, vaccines

Free community testing for COVID- 19 continues.

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Free COVID-19 testing, vaccines

Free community testing for COVID-19 continues.

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Free COVID-19 testing, vaccines

Free community testing for COVID-19 continues.

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Free COVID-19 testing, vaccines

Free community testing for COVID-19 continues.

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Free COVID-19 testing, vaccines

Free community testing for COVID-19 continues.