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GRTC bus operators picket over safety, security concerns

Active drivers and retired bus operators hold up signs to passing vehicles Nov. 10 as they conduct informational picketing in front of GRTC’s headquarters at 301 E. Belt Blvd. in South Side.

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More dollars possible for certain neighbor associations

Money to fund an anti-litter program is expected to be shifted to civic and neighborhood associations in Carver, Jackson Ward, The Fan and other neighborhoods with restricted parking districts.

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Head of Monroe Park Conservancy charged with assault; VCU students may face discipline in case

The volunteer president and director of the group that operates Monroe Park has been charged with assault stemming from a confrontation Sunday, Oct. 31, with two Virginia Commonwealth University students.

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City Council poised to transfer money for new George Wythe design

A funding snafu over design money for a new high school in South Side appears to be heading for a relatively quick resolution.

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VUU and VSU open hoops season with wins

Virginia Union University basketball fans are hopeful Demarius Pitts’ second turn as a Panther goes as well as the first.

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2021: A football season to forget for Richmond high schools

This won’t be a football season to fondly remember for Richmond’s five comprehensive high schools.

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Deion Sanders in the running for TCU job

Deion Sanders’ coaching stint as Jackson State University has been sweet. But will it also be short?

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‘King Richard’ is a crowd pleaser

Once upon a time, in the low-income neighborhood of Compton in Los Angeles, a doting father and smart mother have a keen vision for two of their offspring: “Venus and Serena gonna shake up this world.”

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Rhiannon Giddens, Taj Mahal and others join ‘Event for the Environment

Fiddler Rhiannon Giddens, a founding member of the Carolina Chocolate Drops, bluesman Taj Mahal and more than 200 musical artists will perform next month as part of an online fundraiser for the environment that will be shown on YouTube.

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Investing in people and communities, by Ben Jealous

President Biden and the Democratic Congress have come through with a $1.2 trillion infrastructure package — something the previous president repeatedly promised but never delivered.

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The next big thing?

City officials are turning to the planned development of 60 acres of city-owned property in North Side around The Diamond for a big return

What’s the next big thing for Richmond now that the $565 million casino-resort project for South Side and the $1.5 billion Navy Hill project for Downtown are kaput?

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Richmond Marathon to spring to action this Saturday

After taking something of a “time out” a year ago because of the pan- demic, the Richmond Marathon is back in full force.

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Richmond media mogul B.K. Fulton invests in hot new all-Black show on Broadway

Richmond media entrepreneur B.K. Fulton is banking on the successful return of Broadway, which has been dark for the last 19 months because of the pandemic.

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Gov.-elect Glenn Youngkin talks transition with Northam; releases tax info

Republican Gov.-elect Glenn A. Youngkin met with outgoing Democratic Gov. Ralph S. Northam last week for a lunch with their wives at the Executive Mansion in Capitol Square, with both pledging a smooth transition of power.

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Area special vaccine events for children ages 5 to 11

The Richmond and Henrico Health Districts are holding special vaccine events for children ages 5 to 11 in partnership with Richmond Public Schools and Henrico County Public Schools.

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Free COVID-19 testing, vaccines

Free community testing for COVID-19 continues.

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Delegate Bagby hosting virtual lecture Nov. 12 in new role as visiting prof at VUU

Delegate Lamont Bagby, who has since 2015 represented a district in the House of Delegates that includes parts of Richmond and Henrico County, is serving as a visiting professor at Virginia Union University for the current academic year, the university announced on Tuesday.

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Mayor submits ordinance to release design money to School Board

Mayor Levar M. Stoney has followed through, though he later said he did so “with deep reservations.”

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Sabrina Joy-Hogg named city’s deputy CAO for finance and administration

In 2018, Mayor Levar M. Stoney boasted that his new administration had accomplished a feat that his predecessor could not — complete the city’s audited comprehensive annual financial report, or CAFR, on time.