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Virginia becomes abortion haven for out-of-state women

It is no longer unusual for a pregnant Alabama woman with two kids to be parked overnight outside a Virginia League for Planned Parenthood (VLPP) clinic, waiting for the doors to open. Jamie Lockhart, executive director of Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia, said the protection of abortion rights in this state means that women who live where the procedure is banned are making their way to VLPP facilities in Richmond and Hampton Roads.

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New weed-sales bill would include minority vendors

Prospects for the General Assembly to approve the retail sale of marijuana could get a big boost from a deal to guarantee Virginians of color gain a significant share of the business opportunity. Unveiled Jan. 18 at a State Capitol press conference, the agreement is between state lawmakers, advocates and the state’s four medical marijuana companies.

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City Hall offers some reforms on tax collections

Amid the uproar over meals-tax collections, City Hall is rolling out a multiple-step plan in a bid to ease complaints.

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Richmond church burns

A devastating fire Jan. 9 appears to have dashed the hopes of the congregation of Seventh Street Memorial Baptist Church of returning to their long vacant “home location” in the Highland Park neighborhood in North Side.

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City plans to add shelter space

City Hall is moving forward to acquire a 57,000-square-foot office-warehouse at 10 W. Belt Blvd. in South Side to expand shelter capacity for the homeless.

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Sold: Mayo Island purchase completed

Mayo Island is now part of the James River Park. The city announced on Jan. 5 the completion of the $15 million purchase of the large James River island from the Shaia family.

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City demands $37,000 from takeout restaurant

City Hall is demanding that a Black-owned Richmond sandwich shop pay $37,000 in uncollected meals tax along with penalties and interest after telling the owners not collect the tax when they applied for a business license in June 2021.

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Dr. Linwood Jacobs who opened doors for Black Greek organizations at UVA, dies at age 90

Additional roles included community college dean and Gilpin Court mental health provider

Dr. Linwood Jacobs is credited with spearheading the establishment of Black fraternities and sororities at the University of Virginia. And later he focused on student development as the dean of students at J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College and helped start a mental health services company based in Gilpin Court.

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Policy issues involving machine games, guns and minors to greet General Assembly

Will Virginia continue to raise the minimum wage? Will the sale of marijuana through retail outlets gain approval? Will a ban on “skill” games be replaced by a taxing regime that would allow the machines to be turned on once more in bars and retail stores? Will gun owners be held criminally responsible if a minor takes their weapon and shoots someone?

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VCU’s rat de-bait

State senator sounds alarm over Monroe Park rodents

Virginia Commonwealth University claims that rats in Monroe Park can rip open metal trash cans to get to discarded food—even though an inspection of the metal cans show that the bottoms are undamaged. The university, which handles maintenance of the park, issued that claim in response to a query from Richmond state Sen. Ghazal Hashmi about VCU’s expenditure of $2,400 a month to spread poison-bait rat traps throughout the city’s oldest park.

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Hanover case tests parental rights

The case of a Hanover County mother is providing a test of the proposition that parents matter — a currently popular Virginia political slogan.

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Despite defendants’ inability to pay court fees, many still incur costs

“Anyone charged with a crime that can result in jail or prison time is entitled to legal representation. In the familiar line from the Miranda warning, “You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you.”

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On probation

VUU has a year to meet financial accreditation standards

Virginia Union University remains optimistic of lifting the dark cloud that hangs over its accreditation – a key requirement for its students to access federal student loans – despite record enrollment, a strengthened academic program and increased donations.

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Audit report dings Finance Department

More than a quarter of registered vehicle owners wrongly assessed penalties, late fees

The Richmond Finance Department wrongly hit owners of 66,057 vehicles with late payment fees and interest in 2022 even though the owners paid by the deadline, a new audit has found.

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FDA approves milestone treatments for sickle cell disease

Two breakthrough gene therapies can now be used to treat and possibly cure sickle cell anemia, the genetic blood disorder that afflicts 100,000 mostly Black Americans and 20 million people worldwide. But the announcement from the Food and Drug Administration of approval of the treatments — the first use of medicines to address an inherited disease — drew cheers and caution flags from those in the field.

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State Jails Board creates improvement plan for City Jail

Investigation cites 6 deaths, inconsistent inspections and other unmet standards

Only a small staff of deputies is working in the Richmond City Justice Center on any given day, the Free Press is being told, as the number of sworn officers under the command of Sheriff Antionette V. Irving continues to fall.

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Youngkin proposes millions in child care subsidies

To the delight of beleaguered day care operations and child advocates, Gov. Glenn A. Youngkin is calling for an investment of $484 million a year into child care— with most going to help parents cover the surging costs.

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Nicole Jones appointed as Michael Jones’ interim replacement on City Council

Richmond School Board member Nicole Jones has received a big boost to her campaign for the 9th District City Council seat.

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Highland Park’s Highland Grove development halted

A long-awaited 122-unit subdivision that is supposed to rise on nearly 40 acres in the 500 block of Dove Street in Highland Park remains shut down.

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City Charter changes approved

Among the first bills that Dr. Michael J. Jones could patron as a new member of the House of Delegates is one that would usher in changes to the City Charter, or constitution. Now the president of City Council, a post he will give up Dec. 31, he was among six members who agreed Monday to support a package of charter changes and send the package to the Virginia legislature for approval.
