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Glen Lea teacher receives health and physical education award after facing personal health challenges

When diagnosed with heart failure during the 2021-2022 school year, Glen Lea Elementary School educator Dexter Price did not plan to continue teaching.

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Virginia NAACP demands to see governor’s criteria for restoring voting rights to felons

The Virginia NAACP on Tuesday called on Gov. Glenn Youngkin to establish clear and publicly available criteria for restoring the voting rights of convicted felons who have served their time, saying the system now is secretive and could discriminate against people of color.

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All is forgiven? by Charlene Crowell

When the Biden Administration announced its latest initiative to reduce the nation’s unsustainable trillion dollar student debt, both borrowers and advocates rejoiced. In the coming weeks an estimated 804,000 student loan borrowers will together receive $39 billion in federal loan debt cancellations.

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Use economic tools to stop gun violence, by Julianne Malveaux

There have been at least 214 mass shootings in the United States so far this year, the most recent being the killings during a July 4 gathering in Highland Park, Ill. This year, we have also been both riveted and horrified by the massacre of 21 people, 19 of them children, in Uvalde, Texas. A crazed racist killed 10 Black people and wounded at least three others when he shot up a Tops grocery store in Buffalo, N.Y. In 2022, there have been more shootings than days; the shootings have become commonplace.

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Color struck court

For many of us, the joys of summer involve spending time in our gardens, toiling intently until a chorus of red, white, blue or purple flora reveal a luminous rainbow to be admired by anyone in sight. Yet, too often, the tranquility of such artistry is shaken by a sudden sting or bite from other earthly inhabitants known as mosquitoes, hornets and snakes. Once attacked, we may recoil from spending so much time outside, reminded that although humans need many of those unwieldy creatures for survival, their venom can be deadly. Which leads us to compare our multi-legged and winged outdoor companions to our far right two-legged friends who spend much of their time sitting inside the U.S. Supreme Court.

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A force for change

It’s not too unusual these days to read about young people who, rather than sit on the sidelines doing little to enact economic, political or social change, devote much of their lives to serving the public.

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Between hope and despair, by Julianne Malveaux

Black people occupy a place between hope and despair.

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MLB playoff teams battling it out for a place in the World Series

It’s time for popcorn, peanuts and playoffs.

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Black women and the pay gap, by Julianne Malveaux

It takes Black women until Aug. 3, or 19 months after the start of the previous year, to earn what a white man earns in a year. Most years, Pay Equity Day happens in March—this year on March 24—when all women finally make as much as white men.

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Praise, doubt as Facebook rolls out new prayer tool

Facebook already asks for your thoughts. Now it wants your prayers.

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Damon Hewitt named new executive director of Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law

The executive committee of the Washington, D.C.-based Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law has announced that veteran civil rights attorney and policy expert Damon Hewitt will serve as the organization’s next president and executive director.

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Union vows to defend teachers in CRT fights

One of the nation’s largest teachers unions on Tuesday vowed to defend members who are punished for teaching an “honest history” of the United States, a measure that’s intended to counter the wave of states seeking to limit classroom discussion on race and discrimination.

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Biles makes history in return to competition at U.S. Classic

Time on her hands and a world-class gym at her disposal after the 2020 Olympics were postponed, Simone Biles started experimenting almost as a way to stave off the monotony of training.

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Dems in governor’s race face off in 2nd debate

The Democratic candidates for Virginia governor sparred over policing and economic development in their second debate on May 6, an event that showcased the diverse styles and perspectives of the field that voters will winnow next month.

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NCAA: GOING TO THE BIG DANCE: Liberty University Flames player Darius McGhee rises to occasion

When the Liberty University Flames jump for joy, no one jumps higher than Darius McGhee.

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Celebrating black women on the federal bench, by Ben Jealous

President Biden’s first year in office has brought both triumphs and disappointments. There’s no question that the administration has work to do on voting rights and on passing the critical social infrastructure pieces of the Build Back Better plan. But firmly in the “wins” column is the president’s extraordinary success nominating and confirming to the federal bench extraordinarily qualified judges with a demonstrated commitment to civil rights, especially Black women judges.

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City may wind up with surplus from 2020-21 budget year

City Hall appears to have weathered the financial storm caused by the pandemic and could wind up reporting a surplus for the 2020-21 fiscal year that ended June 30 after the final numbers are in.

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Time capsule with items from a new Virginia buried at former Lee site

The streets of Monument Avenue were filled with sounds of construction equipment last Thursday as more than a dozen workers searched from sunrise to sunset, and through sporadic rainfall, for a 134-year-old time capsule believed to be hidden in the base of the pedestal that until Sept. 8 held the statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee.

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Richmond Marathon to spring to action this Saturday

After taking something of a “time out” a year ago because of the pan- demic, the Richmond Marathon is back in full force.

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VUU freshman running back Jada Byers gives seniors a day to remember

Wouldn’t you know it. On Senior Day at Virginia Union University, a freshman stole the show.