
‘Do we really want what Hillary Clinton has to offer?’

2/12/2016, 7:57 p.m.

If Hillary Clinton is the Democratic nominee for president, chances are that the Republicans will never allow her to run a successful race. They will dredge up every scandal she and Bill Clinton have been involved in since he was governor of Arkansas, and there have been many.

If Mrs. Clinton is lucky enough to win the presidency, the Republicans will not stop.  She will be so busy putting out fires that she will not have a chance to govern.

And do we really want what she has to offer? She is not coming with anything new, just the same old, same old.

President Obama was as squeaky clean as you can get and the Republicans did everything they could to destroy him. With Mrs. Clinton, they will have plenty of ammunition.

On the other hand, Bernie Sanders is daring the American people to take back their government. He is telling the American people that they can have things their way.

When the corporations decided they wanted to be people and donate as much as they wanted to political campaigns, they went to court and did just that. Do we want a government of the corporations, by the corporations and for the corporations, because if we elect Mrs. Clinton, that’s what we will get.

Have we become such sheeps and are we so hopeless that we don’t think we stand a chance of having a government of the people, by the people, for the people?

Mrs. Clinton already is talking about knowing how things work and being able to play the game. Really? Haven’t we had enough of the game playing? Haven’t we had enough of the concessions? Haven’t we had enough of giving in before we get ahead? How about trying something new?

Sen. Sanders is offering the American people something new, something worth fighting for. Things will never change if we keep doing the same old things and yielding to the same old rhetoric.


Henrico County