
Lives well lived in service to others

8/3/2023, 6 p.m.
Let us pay tribute to two remarkable women who left their mark on the world: New Jersey Lt. Gov. Sheila ...

Let us pay tribute to two remarkable women who left their mark on the world: New Jersey Lt. Gov. Sheila Y. Oliver and educator and perennial Richmond volunteer Dr. Cora S. Salzberg.

Lt. Gov. Oliver, who died Tuesday, Aug. 1, 2023, blazed a trail in politics as the first Black woman to serve as speaker of the New Jersey House and in her present office.

Those who knew the 71-year-old described her as a people person who sought to make effective public policy improve people’s lives. As the No. 2 elected official in her state, she was cited for strengthening and expanding state efforts to provide affordable housing, prevent homelessness, revitalize communi- ties and improve local services. She also was cited for her work as an educator and for her service in the nonprofit and public sectors.

Dr. Salzberg was well known for the educational initiatives she created during her tenure at the State Council of Higher Education of Virginia, as well as her leadership of health and educational initiatives for The Links, a national women’s service organization.

She played other leadership roles in the community and her sorority in living out her faith.

Those who knew her described her as a warm, loving person who was always seeking to find ways to make life better for others.

We bid farewell to both women with admiration and appreciation for their determined efforts to make the world a better place for everyone, the most any of us can do.