RPS seeks public response to new school designs..
Ronald E. Carrington | 9/20/2018, 6 a.m.

Richmond Public Schools wants community feedback on proposed designs for two new elementary schools and a new middle school that are to be built by 2020.
The designs, by RRMM Architects, were presented earlier this month to the Richmond School Board for the new George Mason and E.S.H. Greene Elementary schools and the new Elkhardt-Thompson Middle School.
The project is to cost an estimated $110 million.
The first public meeting will be held 5:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 21, at a special meeting of the Richmond School Board on the 17th floor of City Hall, 900 E. Broad St.
Additional sessions will be held to discuss interior design 6 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 25, at Elkhardt-Thompson Middle School, 7825 Forest Hill Ave. and 6 to 7:30 p.m. Dec. 14 at Greene Elementary School, 1745 Catalina Drive, to receive comments on colors and playground options.
Members of school stakeholders committees set up earlier this year by Superintendent Jason Kamras will review the community comments and public feedback and make recommendations to the Mr. Kamras and Mayor Levar M. Stoney.
The design firm submitted three proposed designs for each school based on existing schools in other locales. The designs are available for review at www.rvaschools.net.
At Friday’s meeting, the School Board also will take up a final draft of RPS’ proposed five-year goals addressing previously ignored policy and academic infractions and errors uncovered by the Virginia Department of Education. The action plan is designed to meet all requirements for 100 percent systemwide accreditation.
The board also is expected to vote on a capital improvement plan to repair or replace heating and air conditioning systems, roofs and bathrooms in schools across the district.