
Kudos to Rep. Spanberger and others for standing up for environmental protections

Letters to the Editor

3/26/2020, 6 p.m.
Even as the Trump administration continues its reckless push to dismantle important environmental safeguards that protect public health, members of …

Even as the Trump administration continues its reckless push to dismantle important environmental safeguards that protect public health, members of Virginia’s congressional delegation continue to stand up for clean air, clean water and public lands.

In the League of Conservation Voters’2019 Environmental Scorecard, nine members of Virginia’s congressional delegation scored 97 percent or higher.

I’m proud of my representative, 7th District Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger, for standing up for the environment in 2019. Her near-perfect score of 97 percent reflects her commitment to acting to address the climate crisis and protecting her constituents’ public health from harmful pollution.

I’m proud, too, of both of Virginia’s U.S. senators, Tim Kaine and Mark Warner, for scoring 100 percent on LCV’s scorecard for their efforts in the U.S. Senate to stand up for our environment and oppose reckless appointments like Andrew Wheeler, a former coal lobbyist, who has no place running the Environmental Protection Agency.

The climate crisis isn’t going to go away by itself. It’s going to take leadership at all levels of government to address this threat.

I urge members of Congress to keep up their important work protecting our environment and standing up against the extreme attacks on clean air and water coming out of this misguided administration.


Henrico County