
Kudos for collective bargaining efforts and approval

12/16/2021, 6 p.m.
Re “REA wins victory giving city teachers, staff collective bargaining authority” and “Trammell to introduce collective bargaining ordinance at next ...

Re “REA wins victory giving city teachers, staff collective bargaining authority” and “Trammell to introduce collective bargaining ordinance at next City Council meeting,” Free Press Dec. 9-11 edition:

Congratulations to Rich- mond teachers and staff for their efforts to get collective bargaining rights. And thanks to the Richmond School Board that voted to make it happen.

The teachers and staff now will be more in control of their destiny and fate, and we hope it will allow Richmond Public Schools to retain more teachers. Morale should also be boosted and that also will filter down to our children.

City Councilwoman Reva Trammell introduced a collective bargaining ordinance at the City Council meeting Monday night. Approving this ordinance should do wonders

for city employees. This, too, will give them some leverage on how they are treated, along with pay issues.

Being a city employee for more than 30 years before retiring, I would have loved to have been a part of this.

Now City Council, the ball is in your hands. Hopefully, you will do the right and fair thing for city employees and pass the measure. Approval would give employees ownership and boost morale on these jobs, along with productivity.

The City of Richmond has a great workforce and we want to keep it that way. With employees having input on a lot of issues, I guarantee you it will.

So to all, I say let’s go ahead and get this done for the betterment of all.

