
Richmonders react to new CDC mask guidelines

5/20/2021, 6 p.m.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated its COVID-19 guidance May 13 saying its safe for fully vaccinated people …

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated its COVID-19 guidance May 13 saying its safe for fully vaccinated people to remove their masks in most settings, both outside and indoors.

Masks are still required on planes, buses, trains and all public transportation. But the guidelines are different in some states and localities and among private businesses.

People also are concerned about health and safety if the unvaccinated don’t wear a mask.

The Free Press took to the streets to ask people what they think about the new CDC guidelines. Here is what they said:

Mr. Eddings

Mr. Eddings

David Eddings, 50, South Side resident and building contractor. Not vaccinated:

“I don’t trust the system. I don’t believe people should wear masks. I don’t think COVID-19 is spreading so much among us because it didn’t get here from us (Americans) in the first place.”

Rohan Kaylan, 33, Jackson Ward resident and Virginia Commonwealth University employee. Fully vaccinated:

“I wish the CDC had not lifted the ban on wearing masks indoors and outdoors. There are still a lot of people who are not vaccinated so the virus is still out there and is still mutating. Even if you do get vaccinated, you could still get sick. As long as COVID-19 is out here, we should wear a mask.”

Ms. Woelk

Ms. Woelk

Rylee Woelk, 19, Richmond resident and student at Indian River State College in Fort Pierce, Fla. Plans to get vaccinated.

“Removing the mask mandate is premature. Not everyone is vaccinated. It’s better to be safe than sorry. If the COVID-19 cases pick up again, then we are back to where we started.”

Ms. Vaughan

Ms. Vaughan

Nina Vaughan, 33, Jackson Ward resident and entrepreneur. Not vaccinated:

“It is ridiculous to take off masks because the numbers are still fluctu- ating in states and the country. People can move from state to state as easy as they want. If there is a different mask mandate in another state, you never know if you are safe from catching COVID. So why not keep the mask on to keep people safe?”

Mr. Baldwin

Mr. Baldwin

Che Baldwin, 48, Jackson Ward resident and entrepreneur. Not vaccinated:

“I don’t think the mandate should be lifted. Everyone has their choice to do what they want to do, but we are all still at risk. There are a lot of people walking around who have the virus but don’t know they have it.”

Ms. Pileda

Ms. Pileda

Aisa Pileda, 27, West End resident and business owner. Not vaccinated; said she does not plan to get vaccinated:

“There will always be sicknesses around. Now I hope we can go back to normal. I am ready to take (my mask) off. Hopefully, the pandemic is gone. Everything is slowly getting back to normal.”

Ms. Taylor

Ms. Taylor

Diamonikue Taylor, 20, North Side resident and licensed health agent. Not vaccinated; said she wants to but afraid of having a bad reaction to the shot:

“People can say they are full vaccinated, but they may not be telling the truth. I think everyone should continue to wear a mask.”