
Have a heart

11/10/2022, 6 p.m.
In the Richmond Free Press Nov. 3-5 edition there was an article about sheltering the homeless. Thanks goes out to …

In the Richmond Free Press Nov. 3-5 edition there was an article about sheltering the homeless. Thanks goes out to Rhonda Sneed and her organization for working 10 to 14 hours a day delivering food, blankets and clothes to the unsheltered.

She stated that the food demand has doubled due to the number of people they are finding and they are being stretched thin. Ms. Sneed also stated that City Hall is not rushing to fill the shelter gaps. Many of us, whether we realize it or not, are one or two paychecks from falling into homelessness.

The weather is getting very cold out there and city officials need to deal with this matter expeditiously. They need to use the same energy that is being exerted in trying to get the proposed casino put back on the referendum, even though the majority voted against it.

Personally I do not see this happening. The homeless people are human beings, too, and need our help. Ms. Sneed and other organizations like hers cannot do everything, even though they are doing their best and we thank them. The problem dealing with the homeless has been identified so let’s do something about it before it’s too late. Please have a heart.

