
Gun buyback programs are ‘waste of time’

7/13/2023, 6 p.m.
Jeremy Lazarus is correct when he reported that gun buy-back programs do not work; they do nothing to stop gun …

Jeremy Lazarus is correct when he reported that gun buy-back programs do not work; they do nothing to stop gun violence. Democratic politicians know this. The question then is, “Why waste money conducting programs that do not work?” The answer is complex.

First, most voters do not know that gun buyback programs are a waste of time and money. So, conducting a gun buyback program temporarily quells the calls to “do something” about the crime epidemic.

Second, Democratic politicians do not want to put an end to crime. More on this later. Instead, their primary goal is to disarm and take away the Second Amendment rights of honest people, not criminals. This way honest people will have no way to protect themselves and will become more dependent on government and afraid of becoming a victim of crime.

As more and more people become increasingly concerned about their safety, the government will promise a solution to gun violence in exchange for more tax money and more power. Your safety is not the goal. The goal is to get re-elected and gain more power over your life.

The police could put an end to crime in short order if Democrats would allow them. However, that would mean arresting and putting constituents and the children of voters in prison. In other words, risking the probability of not getting re-elected. I am amazed that voters in Richmond and other Democratic-run cities vote against their best interest. That is, if you vote for Democrats, the epidemic of gun violence will continue; children will be killed. Do you want to be a citizen or a subject?

