2-year-old teaches cashier lesson on beauty of all skin colors
Brandi Benner and her husband, Nick, took their 2-year-old, Sophia, to Target last week to let her buy a special gift for a major milestone — pooping on the potty for one month straight.
Dr. King’s daughter urges people to rise above anger with Trump administration
The Rev. Bernice A. King electrified an audience of men and women at the National Press Club, challenging them to rise above bickering with people with whom they may have political and cultural disagreements and find common ground — including …
Trump to speak at Lynchburg school’s commencement
President Trump will give the commencement address this spring at Liberty University in Lynchburg. “I look forward to speaking to this amazing group of students on such a momentous occasion,” the president said in breaking the news on March 22 …
Obamacare lives; Trumpcare DOA
Obamacare lives! That was the jubilant cry last week as President Trump’s attempt to roll back health insurance for millions of Americans suffered a stunning defeat.
Calls mount for independent investigation of Russia’s ties to Trump administration
President Trump is finding its easy to play golf, but harder to get his way as the nation’s chief executive.
Gorsuch sidesteps tough questions in Supreme Court confirmation hearings
U.S. Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch said on Wednesday presidents must obey court orders and expressed uncertainty about language in the U.S. Constitution barring government officials from taking payments from a foreign country as Democrats grilled him on issues involving …
African delegates denied visas to Calif. trade conference
An African trade summit held last week in California had no African delegates after the United States denied them visas to enter the country.
Dying with debt: Advice from experts
You’re probably going to die with some debt. A majority of people do. In fact, 73 percent of Americans had outstanding debt when they died, according to December 2016 data reported by Credit.com.
Sessions seeks to revive federal anti-crime program that targeted African-Americans
New U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions vowed to revive 1990s law-and-order strategies that pumped up the nation’s prison population to the highest level in the world to fight the recent surge in urban violence.
Report forecasts millions would lose health insurance under Trumpcare
Fears that the Republican plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, would wipe out health insurance for millions of mostly low-income people appear to be highly accurate.
Trump’s leaked 2005 taxes show $153M in earnings
President Trump earned $153 million and paid $36.5 million in income taxes in 2005, paying a roughly 25 percent effective tax rate thanks to a tax he has since sought to eliminate, according to newly disclosed tax documents.
Graduation rate for African-American players on NCAA Tournament teams lower than white counterparts
The graduation rate of African-American men’s basketball players from teams participating in the NCAA Tournament is 74 percent compared with 93 percent for white players.
Harvard Law Review elects first black woman president
Special to Trice Edney News Wire from Afro American Newspapers ImeIme Umana, one of four daughters born to Nigerian immigrants, was elected as the 131st president of the Harvard Law Review out of 12 candidates, eight of whom were minorities …
No clues yet on Trump’s Africa policy
If President Trump has an Africa policy in the works, he’s keeping the details close to his chest. So far, there is neither an assistant secretary of state for Africa nor an ambassador. The incumbent secretary, Linda Thomas Greenfield, retired …
U.S. Black Chambers launches ‘Buy-Black, Bank-Black’ initiative
It is the No.1 reason that black-owned businesses fail: Not enough money and not enough places to get it.