

The statue of a Confederate private faces forward Wednesday after being taken off its towering pedestal in Libby Hill Park, where it has stood for 126 years. The monument was placed on the hilltop in 1894 overlooking the site where the Confederate Navy Yard operated during the Civil War.

The statue of a Confederate private faces forward Wednesday after being taken off its towering pedestal in Libby Hill Park, where it has stood for 126 years. The monument was placed on the hilltop in 1894 overlooking the site where the Confederate Navy Yard operated during the Civil War.

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Remnants of the Confederacy

The statue of Gen. J.E.B. Stuart, the last of the four city-owned Confederate statues on Monument Avenue, was taken down and moved to storage Tuesday

The former capital of the Confederacy has largely been wiped clean of the racist statuary that has long dominated the landscape.