Stories this photo appears in:

Civil rights, labor unions back casino campaign
The current campaign to win Richmond voter support for $562 million casino, resort and entertainment complex has secured support from civil rights groups and a big thumbs up from the labor unions that will build it.

New plaintiff’s in House elections suit unlikely to sway judge
The current and former president of the Loudoun County NAACP are now parties to a suit seeking to force new elections for the 100 House of Delegate seats in November — but the federal judge hearing the case appears determined to ensure that new elections cannot happen.

State NAACP to hold “The Urgency of Now Rally” Feb. 12 at Capitol Square
The Virginia State Conference NAACP is urging people to rally in support of teaching Black history from 11 a.m. to noon Saturday, Feb. 12, at the Bell Tower on the grounds of the State Capitol.