Ms. Lynch
Stories this photo appears in:

Outdoor concert venue booked for council approval
A 7,500-seat outdoor concert venue that will feature 25 to 30 concerts each season is likely headed to the Richmond riverfront.

Council green-lights permit allowing Northside church to house homeless
More beds are opening for the homeless.

City councilwoman wants to revive apartment inspections
Apartment buildings in Richmond would have to undergo a city inspection at least once every four years and more often in the case of violations under a proposal that 5th District Councilwoman Stephanie A. Lynch plans to introduce in January.

New name for Lee Bridge withdrawn
For now, the name of slavery-defending Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee will remain on the Route 1 bridge over the James River in Richmond.

Shelter in place?
Homeless advocacy group says many unaware of warm housing when temperatures drop
As temperatures plunged into the 30s this week as fore- cast, a reluctant City Hall at the last minute grudgingly opened two overnight shelters – one for 50 single men and one for 50 single women, but none for those with children. Mayor Levar M. Stoney and his administration quietly sent email notices to some home- less groups about opening, but refused to issue any public statement in an apparent bid to reduce demand — follow- ing the script from the Sept. 30 tropical storm when only 12 homeless people managed to find the unannounced city shelter to get out of the heavy downpour. As was the case Sept. 30, most people who needed a warm place never got the word, ac- cording to a homeless advocacy organization, which decried the fact the city waited until 6 p.m. to announce the two shelters had opened an hour earlier. The shelters at United Na- tions Church, 214 Cowardin Ave. in South Side, and at the

Nonprofits urged to file complaint against defunct umbrella foundation
Richmond City Councilwoman Stephanie A. Lynch is encouraging organizations whose funds disappeared after the collapse of the Enrichmond Foundation to file a complaint with the Richmond Police Department.

Property owners given more time to apply for tax exemptions
Elderly and totally disabled property owners in Richmond will have the whole year to apply for exemptions from real estate taxes, beginning in January 2023.

A more perfect union
City reaches negotiated agreement regarding collective bargaining
Collective bargaining is coming to City Hall for the first time – though it could take a year or more to have an impact.

Councilwoman calls for audit of defunct foundation
The chair of City Council’s Education and Human Services Committee plans to seek a financial audit of the collapsed Enrichmond Foundation, which previously played a crucial role in providing support for city parks and recreation.

Plans to house the homeless in Shockoe Valley disappear
Plans for a year-round shelter open around the clock for the homeless have suddenly evaporated seven months after being announced.