Sheriff Irving
Stories this photo appears in:

Prayers, encouragement at City Jail
The 7th Annual Day of Grace, Faith & Hope will take place from noon to 1 p.m. Monday, Jan. 1, at the Richmond City Justice Center, 1701 Fairfield Way, it has been announced.

State Jails Board creates improvement plan for City Jail
Investigation cites 6 deaths, inconsistent inspections and other unmet standards
Only a small staff of deputies is working in the Richmond City Justice Center on any given day, the Free Press is being told, as the number of sworn officers under the command of Sheriff Antionette V. Irving continues to fall.

Report details City jail stabbing
The dangers at the Richmond City Justice Center were re-emphasized Monday when one prisoner repeatedly stabbed another in the head around 6 a.m. Monday as breakfast was being served, according to internal reports the Free Press obtained.

Sheriff Irving continues to lose deputies amid reports of recent inmate stabbing
‘We don’t know what else we can do,’ says councilwoman
The issue of inmate and staff safety inside the Richmond City Justice Center continues to bubble as Sheriff Antionette V. Irving’s roster of deputies keeps shrinking.