Stories 3 results of 1,343

Jackson Ward hotel project dies after dispute with RRHA over land price
In the summer of 2019, the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority awarded a Black-led development team the right to build a 115-room hotel, at least 63 apartments and a retail store on 3.4 acres in Jackson Ward.

Buyer beware
Consumers may flip wig over falsely labeled hair
Unsuspecting women are being ripped off when it comes to buying wigs. They are being induced to pay higher prices for cheaper wigs that are falsely labeled as being a more expensive product. So says Mary J. Harris, a retired Richmond factory worker.

Natural gas price rising for Richmond customers
The cost of natural gas — the fuel most Richmond residents cook and heat with and that many businesses use — is going up for the first time in more than two years.
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