
Free yearlong pass to national parks
Fourth-graders and their families can visit the national parks and federal recreation areas of their choice across the country for free for an entire year.

City Council slated to vote April 9 on remote meetings
City Council is to take its final step Thursday, April 9, to enable online meetings that would include a method to allow the public to submit comments.

Public policy summer academy scholarships available to Richmond and Petersburg students
High school and college students in Richmond and Petersburg are being offered scholarships to participate in a free online summer academy that will focus on youth and public policy amid the pandemic, it has been announced.

Moving on up or out? Mayor Stoney submits to City Council $1.5B Coliseum replacement and Downtown development plan
Five months ago, Mayor Levar M. Stoney was singing the revenue blues as he introduced his latest budget. He told city residents that revenue was growing too slowly to keep up with the overwhelming demand for resources, and without a major increase in the property tax, the city couldn’t adequately address major challenges ranging from fixing city streets to funding public education and replacing worn-out police cars and fire trucks. Mayor Stoney now has changed his tune as he introduces his long-awaited grand development plan for Downtown.

The Buick Club of America builds community around the classic
Sponsored by Buick
Owners of all cars are proud, however, people who own a Buick are a unique and enthusiastic group indeed. They assemble as The Buick Club of America, but you don’t have to be a Buick owner to join the club; you just have to love Buick.
Keeping it real
We are trying very hard to keep an open mind — and a thimble of optimism — about what lies ahead under the new administration of soon-to-be President Donald Trump.

From vaccines to pet meds, COVID-19 has been a year of pivots for HOPE Pharmacy
HOPE Pharmacy and its owner, Dr. Shantelle Brown, faced a dilemma.

Teaching civil rights during February is not critical race theory, by David W. Marshall
In 1976, President Gerald Ford officially recognized Black History Month by encouraging the nation to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.”

Central State Hospital commemorates 150 years of serving health needs
A key part of African-American health and history in Virginia was celebrated last Thursday, as state health officials and professionals gathered online to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Central State Hospital outside Petersburg.

Abrams, Georgia Dems call midterms ‘unfinished business’
Four years ago, Georgia Democrats had a contested primary for governor because the party’s old guard didn’t believe in Stacey Abrams. She routed their alternative and, in a close general election loss, established herself as de facto party boss in a newfound battleground state.

Virginia sales tax holiday this weekend
Shoppers will save a few dollars this weekend as Virginia’s annual sales tax holiday returns.

NSU’s Scott defeats his alma mater, HU, to win Battle of the Bay
For probably the first time in his life, Coach Latrell Scott wanted his alma mater, Hampton University, to lose a football game. It’s easy seeing why.

Former Henrico High player named to MEAC All-Preseason team
Coaches around the MEAC are taking a “wait and see” attitude toward Connell Maynor and Latrell Scott. Coach Maynor is entering his second season as football coach at Hampton University.

Richmond Public Library ends fines for overdue materials
Forget being hit with a fine for the late return of a book, recording or other item borrowed from the Richmond Public Library.

Commemorating Dr. King’s death on Easter, by A. Peter Bailey
April 4 — ironically Easter Sunday this year — will mark the 53rd anniversary of the as- sassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., an historical date that I am willing to bet at least 75 percent of young Black folks under 40 are almost totally unaware of. Even most of those over 40 may have forgotten that this is the date that we should commemorate the memory of Dr. King as a warrior who left us with serious guidance in his book, “Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?”

New General Assembly session Petersburg Delegate Lashrecse D. Aird and her seatmate, Newport News Delegate Marcia S. Price, look up as a person in the …
Published on January 12, 2019

Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. at an awards ceremony on campus in October 2019. Dr. Gates helped lead a new project launched in March …
Published on March 26, 2020

Pod leader Adam Evans works with Sebastian Wisnoski during online instruction with his Richmond Public Schools class at an education pod set up in the …
Published on September 17, 2020

Needs assessment survey seeking ways to serve senior adults
The Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services has contracted with Polco to seek the public’s input on its Community Assessment Survey for Older Adults (CASOA).

Chesterfield schools to reopen for online learning in the fall; Henrico leaning toward virtual option
Chesterfield County Public Schools is following Richmond’s lead, approving reopening this fall for virtual learning only.