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Former Newport News Delegate Mamye BaCote, a member of the Richmond 34, dies at 81

As a student at Virginia Union University, Mamye Edmondson BaCote took part in the lunch counter sit-ins led by VUU students to end whites-only, sit-down service at restaurants and lunch counters in Downtown.

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The Market @ 25th working to build success

The opening of The Market @ 25th last April was marked with great fanfare, Armstrong High School’s marching band, a balloon release and high hopes for a community known for being a food desert.

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Arbor Day Foundation offering trees

Get 10 free white flowering dogwood trees when you join the Arbor Day Foundation. The price to join: $10.

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Technology bridges equitable access in Va., by Shara Gibson

Access to technology is a vital step in ensuring equitable opportunities for everyone, specifically when it comes to minority small business owners. Our country relies on the entrepreneurial spirit that the “American Dream” has inspired in all of us, and access to technology is the backbone of creating successful and sustainable businesses.

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Layoffs, other challenges hit The Market@25th

A new Church Hill grocery store is facing challenges five months after opening.

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Henrico to replace voting machines

Henrico County is joining Richmond in replacing its voting machines to comply with new state requirements. Ahead of the June 9 primary, the county inked a deal this week to pay $1.2 million to buy new optical scan machines, Voter Registrar Mark J. Coakley announced.

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LeBron leading Lakers against his old Heat team in NBA finals

For four glorious seasons, LeBron James was the ultimate hero of Miami. Now he’s the villain.

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Natural gas getting cheaper in Richmond

Heating and cooking with natural gas just got a little cheaper in Richmond. Effective with February’s bills, the cost of the fuel is being lowered again, saving the average residential customer about $6 a month, the city Department of Public Utilities just announced. It’s more good news for consumers who also are enjoying cheaper gasoline prices to fuel their vehicles.


Hope for the ‘Cotton Curtain’

We won the Voting Rights Act of 1965 at Selma, combining the power of a principled mass movement led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and a compassionate president who did the right thing despite the heavy political price. What was that cost? President Lyndon B. Johnson said it best at the time when he told his aides that we’d “just lost the South for a generation.”

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Petersburg man lost dream, but made $45,000 profit

Montague D. Phipps had big dreams three years ago when he bought a derelict duplex from the City of Petersburg for the rock-bottom price of $5,000.


RRHA ‘missed a golden opportunity’ to help people become homeowners

Re “Prospect of home ownership escapes 70-year-old Randolph resident,” Free Press June 29-July 1 edition: I was appalled reading the Free Press front page story about Charlene Harris, the 70-year-old Randolph resident. Is the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority’s management becoming aloof and unfeeling towards the residents they serve? To think that the RRHA would move a 70-year-old lady from a house she has lived in and called home for 49 years and relocate her into a less desirable house and neighborhood is inconceivable.    

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What’s all the Hoopla?

Richmond Public Library doubles its digital offerings

The Richmond Public Library just doubled its offerings of books, music, movies, TV shows, video games and other items, and it didn’t have to buy anything.

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Jackson Place, Mosby South advance

A proposal to bring a new hotel, apartments and for-sale townhomes to Jackson Ward now has a green light, as does the redevelopment of another portion of public housing, the 106-unit Mosby South in the East End.

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Richmond Crusade for Voters endorses diverse slate

The Richmond Crusade for Voters this week, as expected, endorsed the statewide Democratic ticket of Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam for governor, Justin Fairfax for lieutenant governor and Mark Herring for re-election to attorney general. But the city’s oldest and largest African-American political group also voted Monday to support the re-election of six-term Republican Delegate G. Manoli Loupassi over his Democratic challenger Dawn Adams in the 69th District.

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Prospect of home ownership escapes 70-year-old Randolph resident

Charlene C. Harris hoped to buy the home in Randolph that she and her family have rented for nearly 50 years from the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority.

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State Fair of Virginia kicks off Sept. 23

The Spinners’ ‘one of a kind’ music among main stage acts

The State Fair of Virginia returns to Meadow Event Park Sept. 23 through Oct. 2 with activities focused on Virginia agriculture and forestry. The park is at 13191 Dawn Blvd. in Doswell.