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RRHA ‘missed a golden opportunity’ to help people become homeowners

Re “Prospect of home ownership escapes 70-year-old Randolph resident,” Free Press June 29-July 1 edition: I was appalled reading the Free Press front page story about Charlene Harris, the 70-year-old Randolph resident. Is the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority’s management becoming aloof and unfeeling towards the residents they serve? To think that the RRHA would move a 70-year-old lady from a house she has lived in and called home for 49 years and relocate her into a less desirable house and neighborhood is inconceivable.    

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What’s all the Hoopla?

Richmond Public Library doubles its digital offerings

The Richmond Public Library just doubled its offerings of books, music, movies, TV shows, video games and other items, and it didn’t have to buy anything.

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Prospect of home ownership escapes 70-year-old Randolph resident

Charlene C. Harris hoped to buy the home in Randolph that she and her family have rented for nearly 50 years from the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority.

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Stolen private account information discovered by UR security

During a security sweep, the University of Richmond’s information security staff discovered a website containing a list of stolen account credentials — a list with approximately 1.4 billion pieces of private account information such as email addresses and passwords.

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Utility giants abandon natural gas pipeline plans

The rural tranquility of Union Hill — a community that newly freed slaves built in Buckingham County after the Civil War — is no longer facing disturbance from a giant, noisy natural gas compressor.


Sign up for affordable health care by Feb. 15

Too many in our city lack health insurance. However, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) affords us the opportunity to do something about it. Residents can now take advantage of an open enrollment period for health care plans available under the ACA.

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Disparity continues in homeownership


Nearly 90 years ago, Kelly Miller, a black sociologist and mathematician, said, “The Negro is up against the white man’s standard, without the white man’s opportunity.”

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Lesson for the holidays

Did you notice that some stores are already touting Christmas sales? 

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Elegba Folklore Society offers film screening and book expo

The Elegba Folklore Society’s 3rd Saturday Documentaries will screen “James Baldwin: The Price of the Ticket” on Feb. 18 at 5 p.m. at Elegba Folklore Society’s Cultural Center, 101 E. Broad St.

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Housing authority buys Grace Place

The city’s housing authority has purchased a failing 11-story apartment building in Downtown in a bid to keep it as an income-restricted property offering lower than market rents.

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Hope for healing

7 months after New York Times exposé, healthy equity advocates, Bon Secours report progress

Bon Secours Richmond is starting to receive positive feedback from advocates who had harshly criticized the hospital system for allegedly failing to re-invest income from a federal discount pricing program into low-income communities, most notably Richmond Community Hospital and low-income residents living nearby.

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Slavery memorial to gain in capital budget plan

The battle over the ballpark in Shockoe Bottom apparently is over. At the same time, hopes are fading for Richmond Public Schools to gain funding to develop essential new schools on South Side to relieve overcrowding.

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The cost of electricity is going up

Surging demand and a jump in the price of natural gas is about to impact electric bills in Virginia.

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What dreams come true

City’s ownership of Mayo Island appears within reach

City Hall is jumping to buy a major James River island that the city has dreamed of owning for 40 years to expand parkland.

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11% tuition hike

NSU and U.Va. among state’s highest

Once again, the price tag to attend Virginia’s 15 state-supported colleges and universities is going up faster than inflation. In-state students can expect to pay at least 3 to 5 percent more in the fall, with a few schools going even higher. For example, Norfolk State University and the University of Virginia are posting a tuition-and-fees increase of 11 percent for incoming freshmen — among the largest tuition hikes in Virginia. U.Va. is imposing a $1,470 increase for new freshmen with the aim of raising money to reduce borrowing for students from lower-income families. The increase means new freshmen will pay $14,468 for the fall and spring semesters, not including room and board. Tuition for current students will rise only 3.9 percent from the current charge of $12,998.

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VLBC outlines legislative priorities for new General Assembly session

Buoyed by two legislative sessions last year that ushered in huge reforms in voting and criminal justice, the Virginia Legislative Black Caucus is vowing to keep pressing for more change.

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DMV mobile service center to be outside City Hall on Sept. 7

The state Department of Motor Vehicles will operate its mobile customer service center outside Richmond City Hall, 900 E. Broad St. in Downtown, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, Sept. 7.

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Televangelist Rev. Frederick K.C. ‘Fred’ Price, who built the ‘FaithDome’ in L.A. dies at 89

The Rev. Frederick K.C. “Fred” Price, the televangelist who built his Los Angeles ministry into one of the nation’s first Black megachurches, has died. He was 89.


‘Tough times for many’ in early U.S. history

As a new resident of Virginia coming from the North, I am amazed at how the “PC” revisionists are defaming 200 years of history and tradition with bands of the Confederate flag. Their total lack of knowledge and perspective is incredible.

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Black lives, dollars matter, by Julianne Malveaux

I would always smile when I saw Black Lives Matter T-shirts, until I saw one gracing the grubby back of a white man who had on both a BLM T-shirt and a MAGA — Make America Great Again — hat. I started to either take a photo or start a conversation because I knew somebody would accuse me of making the combination up.