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City to hold radiothon to send kids to camp

Music lovers in Central Virginia can listen to their favorite song on the radio and help send a child to summer camp in the process.

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Oprah’s O magazine to end monthly print editions after 20 years

O, The Oprah Magazine is ending its regular monthly print editions with the December issue after 20 years of publication.

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Flying Squirrels going Hollywood with ‘Movies in the Outfield’ at The Diamond

With the baseball season shut down because of the coronavirus, The Diamond will take on a new look on Thursday and Saturday nights this summer by showing family films beach-blanket style on the field.

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Richmond Jazz Society to feature ‘The Jazz Side of Aretha Franklin’ Dec.11

The Richmond Jazz Society is featuring “The Jazz Side of Aretha Franklin,” the late “Queen of Soul,” on Tuesday, Dec. 11, at the Capital Ale House Downtown Music Hall, 623 E. Main St.

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VUU Athletic Hall of Fame induction on Friday

Virginia Union University’s Athletic Hall of Fame will open its doors to six new inductees on Friday, Sept. 22. The induction banquet will be 7 p.m. at the Dr. Claude G. Perkins Living and Learning Center on the VUU campus, 1500 N. Lombardy St.

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Work stopped on planned Downtown hotel

For a decade, an eight-story building at 5th and Franklin streets was a city-backed nursery for small businesses.

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Green light shines on Diamond District

The huge plan to redevelop 67 acres of publicly owned land around The Diamond baseball stadium has a green light — despite questions about the soundness of its financial structure.


Eye opening

There is no question that the Confederate battle flag stands for white supremacy, intolerance and oppression. The Stars and Bars, as the flag is known, was birthed in the days when Virginia and other Southern states separated from the United States and created a country built on the perpetual right to buy and sell human beings into slavery. Our bloody Civil War secured our union and abolished human bondage while uplifting millions of people to the rights of citizenship. The Confederate flag then was reborn as the symbol of the Ku Klux Klan and other hate groups whose missions are to ensure black people forever submit to third class status.

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U.S. Black Chambers launches ‘Buy-Black, Bank-Black’ initiative

It is the No.1 reason that black-owned businesses fail: Not enough money and not enough places to get it.

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Bus Rapid Transit

Can Richmond afford to maintain proposed expensive bus service?

Can Richmond afford to operate the proposed Bus Rapid Transit system that promises speedier travel and is described as the biggest revamp in public bus service in the city in at least 50 years?

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Soaring property taxes renew calls for cuts

Two members of City Council are proposing to cut the real estate property tax rate as the value of property surged by 13 percent — but it is unclear whether Mayor Levar M. Stoney or the majority the nine-member council will go along.

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Supply and demand

City’s ‘housing crisis’ calls for 23,000 affordable living spaces

Seeking to put fresh emphasis on an issue that has been on the agenda for at least a decade, City Council on Monday followed through and joined Mayor Levar M. Stoney in “declaring a housing crisis in the city of Richmond.”

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'Yes in God's Backyard' to use church land for affordable housing

Faith congregations across California are responding to the state’s housing crisis by sharing their parking lots with people living in their cars, providing mobile showers for the homeless and joining their neighbors in calling for rent control in their communities.

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China’s new policy threatening recycling in U.S.

At least half the cans, bottles, plastics and paper collected for recycling used to end up in one place — China. Now China has decided to stop accepting most of the recycled materials that it once purchased. And that decision is having huge ripple effects on recycling programs in Richmond, as well as other communities in this country and overseas.

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Personality: Dr. Emanuel C. Harris

Spotlight on president of the Baptist Ministers’ Conference of Richmond and Vicinity

A new outspoken, politically aware and socially conscious president has been installed to lead the Baptist Ministers’ Conference of Richmond and Vicinity.

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Free COVID-19 testing, vaccines

Free community testing for COVID-19 continues.

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Dr. Irving P. McPhail, president of St. Augustine’s University, dies from COVID-19 complications

Dr. Irving P. McPhail, president of St. Augustine’s University, died Thursday, Oct. 15, 2020, of complications from COVID-19, just three months after taking the helm of the historically Black university in Raleigh, N.C.