
McClellan’s path to victory
By all accounts, Virginia State Sen. Jennifer L. McClellan has the makings of a formidable member of Congress. Arguably, she is the best qualified candidate to replace the late Rep. A. Donald McEachin, who died Nov. 28, 2022.
Price puts events out of reach for some area residents
Re: “First African-American police officers to be remembered in April 30 ceremony,” March 31-April 2 edition: I remember very well three of the four policemen who are to be honored. They were officers in my younger days. I would like to come to the ceremony, however, I cannot afford to pay the $50 the event organizers are charging to attend the ceremony. I am a citizen who lives off a very low income each month.

Mayor heading strongly into his second term
Mayor Levar M. Stoney sees bright prospects ahead for Richmond if COVID-19 can be defeated quickly.

Raise the minimum wage
Day in and day out, men and women all over our country work hard at their jobs but hardly have anything to show for it. As the debate over income inequality and narrowing the ever-widening wealth gap continues to dominate our national and political conversations, private corporations and states are taking matters into their own hands, bridging the dueling divides of income and opportunity by increasing the minimum wage.

Mayweather seals legacy; rematch possible
Floyd Mayweather Jr. cemented his place among the pantheon of boxing greats, improving to 48-0 with a unanimous decision over Manny Pacquiao last Saturday in a fight some believed didn’t live up to its immense hype and price tag.

‘In The Sun Again’ At the Robinson Theater Community Arts Center’s “In The Sun Again Community Block Party” last Friday at the Church Hill center, …
Published on June 21, 2019

From left, Ona Cox, 4, Harley Harris-Forbes, and JaZelle Cox, 6, enjoyed their cool and delicious frozen treats during the RPS Summer Fest at George …
Published on July 28, 2022

Iconic Ebony, JET magazines no longer owned by Johnson Publishing Co.
Johnson Publishing Co. of Chicago has sold Ebony and JET magazines for an undisclosed price to Clear View Group LLC, an Austin, Texas-based private equity firm, to pay down debt and to concentrate on Fashion Fair Cosmetics.

Undefeated Hampton meets winless Norfolk in Bay Battle
Hampton University’s Pirates couldn’t feel much higher.

Honeymoon over?
Plans afoot to limit mayor’s spending decisions
Richmond Mayor Levar M. Stoney’s honeymoon with Richmond City Council appears to be coming to an end. Asserting that the council needs greater control over spending, two of the newest members, Kim B. Gray, 2nd District, and Kristen N. Larson, 4th District, are planning to introduce legislation that would slap fiscal handcuffs on the mayor and his administration.

Blackwell development to continue with 96 available lots
It has taken 21 years, but the Hope VI redevelopment of Blackwell appears to be moving toward completion.

Average White Band headlines this year’s 2nd Street Festival
Beloved festival celebrates 35 years in Historic Jackson Ward
The 2nd Street Festival will marks its 35th anniversary when it returns Oct. 7-8 to historic Jackson Ward.

Webinar previews Petersburg’s future insulin facility
Petersburg’s role in producing more affordable insulin in the United States will be highlighted during RVA757 Connects’ Virtual Innovation Spotlight webinar Wednesday, Feb. 1.

Needed: A better deal
Mayor Levar M. Stoney’s administration hoped to expand a program that helps city employees to buy homes in the city.

CIAA champs head to NCAA (Pt 2)
Lady Panthers celebrating title; Johnson clinches MVP
Kiana Johnson and Lady Walker may be the best celebration combination since ice cream and cake. They’re the life of a Virginia Union University basketball party that’s just spreading it wings under first-year Coach AnnMarie Gilbert.

Protest over teacher transfers
Dozens of angry teachers, parents and students protested Richmond Public Schools’ plan to move 10 teachers from four elementary schools into classrooms at other schools in the district. Teachers held signs proclaiming “Save Our Teachers,” “Our Students Deserve Better” and “Teacher Power!” Their protest mounted at Monday’s meeting of the Richmond School Board is against the school administration’s process known as “leveling,” which Superintendent Dana T. Bedden explained is to provide more equitable teacher-student ratios in schools across the district.
Many people helped make change possible
As we honor, with a well-deserved commemorative marker, the brave Virginia Union University men and women students who broke down Virginia’s Jim Crow policy of segregated lunch counters, let’s not forget the courageous men and women who picketed with the NAACP on the sidewalks, as well as the Presbyterian theology students from Union Theological Seminary who also joined in the cause.

Changes at 2 North Side funeral homes
They may deal with death, but two venerable, African-American-owned funeral homes in North Side are getting new life. The former W.S. Watkins & Son Funeral Home at 2700 North Ave. has new owners who vow to rebuild the 84-year-old business.

GRTC updates
GRTC updates: Students’ free rides delayed until September and few riders buy money-saving passes

‘Racial delusions’ fuel Obamacare opponents
Surely, President Obama’s greatest legacy is the Affordable Care Act. More than 20 million people have received health care coverage under the act, largely from the extension of Medicaid to cover lower-wage workers and their families. Insurance companies have not only been required to deal fairly with those afflicted with ailments, they also have been forced by law to limit what they rake off in administration and profits. This is a big deal.