All results / Stories / Jeremy M. Lazarus

Aspire Academy hopes to inspire student interest
They’re lost in the classroom and repeatedly act out — leading to repeated suspensions, expulsion and, sometimes, criminal charges.

Richmond to lower natural gas prices
A yearlong sag in the wholesale price of natural gas will finally show up on the bills of residential and business customers in Richmond.

City natural gas price going down
Richmond residents who cook and heat with natural gas will get a price break on its cost next month because of a sharp jump in production.

GRTC fuel savings may reduce push to raise fares
Diesel fuel is a lot cheaper these days — and that’s good news for public transit companies such as GRTC. Richmond’s public transit company expects to save $1 million a year through 2018 as the result of a $1 per gallon decline in the fuel’s price.

Natural gas price rising for Richmond customers
The cost of natural gas — the fuel most Richmond residents cook and heat with and that many businesses use — is going up for the first time in more than two years.

Price of first class stamp drops by 2¢
A postage stamp now costs 47 cents — a drop of 2 cents for a first class letter.

Natural gas getting cheaper in Richmond
Heating and cooking with natural gas just got a little cheaper in Richmond. Effective with February’s bills, the cost of the fuel is being lowered again, saving the average residential customer about $6 a month, the city Department of Public Utilities just announced. It’s more good news for consumers who also are enjoying cheaper gasoline prices to fuel their vehicles.

GRTC sees rise in riders purchasing passes
GRTC is carrying more people but taking in less money at the farebox.

Jackson Ward hotel project dies after dispute with RRHA over land price
In the summer of 2019, the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority awarded a Black-led development team the right to build a 115-room hotel, at least 63 apartments and a retail store on 3.4 acres in Jackson Ward.

Utility giants abandon natural gas pipeline plans
The rural tranquility of Union Hill — a community that newly freed slaves built in Buckingham County after the Civil War — is no longer facing disturbance from a giant, noisy natural gas compressor.

Buyer beware
Consumers may flip wig over falsely labeled hair
Unsuspecting women are being ripped off when it comes to buying wigs. They are being induced to pay higher prices for cheaper wigs that are falsely labeled as being a more expensive product. So says Mary J. Harris, a retired Richmond factory worker.

VUU announces $5,000 tuition cut
Virginia Union University will cut the yearly cost of undergraduate tuition by $5,000 beginning next fall in an apparent bid to attract more students and end a quiet, but dramatic two-year drop in enrollment.

Chesterfield to stay in recycling program through Dec.
The Richmond region’s recycling program will remain intact at least through December. Chesterfield County is still mulling its future with the program and has agreed to participate for the rest of the year in the 10-year-old operation run by the Central Virginia Waste Management Authority.

New laws tighten school suspension practices
Ahead of the start of the new school year, new policies have been in place to reduce long-term suspensions of misbehaving students across the state.

Natural gas price hikes mean higher bills for area customers
Area residents who cook, heat, cool or otherwise rely on natural gas provided by Richmond are starting to see their bills jump – even though cold weather is still months away.

Richmond reduces charge for natural gas
The cost that Richmond customers must pay for natural gas is coming down, for now.

City loses last independent, black-owned radio station
WCLM-1450 AM, the last independent, African-American-owned radio station in Richmond, is off the air after 21 years.

New studies boost claims that nasal flushing may help protect against COVID-19
New studies support a Richmond man’s claims that flushing your nose daily can protect against COVID-19 and other diseases that develop in the nose and sinuses.

Ticket in N.C. leads to license suspension in Va.
Horace G. Dodd has a warning for Richmond motorists heading South: Do not get a traffic ticket in North Carolina. The 68-year-old South Side resident found out the hard way that North Carolina has turned traffic tickets into a major source of revenue.

Suspension lifted for VSU’s cheerleading squad
The Woo Woos, Virginia State University’s cheerleading squad, was temporarily suspended from Trojans football games as the result of a complaint that veterans were hazing new members, the Free Press has learned. However, the suspension already has been lifted as the Woo Woos are now shown as participating when the Trojans are scheduled to travel to Elizabeth City State University for a game at 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 22.
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