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The next big thing?

City officials are turning to the planned development of 60 acres of city-owned property in North Side around The Diamond for a big return

What’s the next big thing for Richmond now that the $565 million casino-resort project for South Side and the $1.5 billion Navy Hill project for Downtown are kaput?

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Richmond’s George Floyd?

Richmonder Joshua Lee Lawhon’s life ended on Jan. 16, 2018.

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Richmond jail staffing shortage blamed for rise in injured deputies, inmates

In the past four weeks at the Richmond City Justice Center, one deputy had his shoulder dislocated after he was thrown to the ground while trying to stop two prisoners from assaulting another inmate. Another deputy was head-butted by an inmate after refusing to provide the inmate with another prisoner’s food tray, according to information provided to the Free Press. In addition, the Free Press has learned another inmate was stabbed during this period, apparently the fourth this year. And early Monday, the jail reported to Richmond Police the third death of an inmate this year, though the identification was not released. For the second time since late October, an inmate who was transported to the John Marshall Courts Building was found to be carrying a concealed blade, according to information provided to the newspaper.

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Heat, water problems plague residents in new Highland Park apartment building

Ernest L. Fox has stopped showering since moving into the new Highland Park Senior Apartments, a former school building being converted into 77 residential apartments at East Brookland Park Boulevard and Second Avenue.

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Hundreds of lives saved in the city

In Virginia, more people are dying from drug overdoes than from homicides or traffic accidents, data from state agencies show.

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Hampton U cancer treatment center may get boost from General Assembly

The Virginia General Assembly is poised to hand Hampton University a major victory in its bid to boost the use of its seven-year-old, $225 million cancer treatment center that uses proton beam radiation therapy to help eradicate the disease in its patients.

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‘Defunding police’ rejected

Richmond City Council kills proposal to examine police funding in social, mental health and community services and move the money to other departments

No to reducing the Richmond Police budget to assuage demonstrators’ demands to “defund police.”

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Navy Hill ship sinking?

Scrutiny of Coliseum replacement plan reveals major gaps

The grand plan Mayor Levar M. Stoney is pushing to replace the Richmond Coliseum with $1.5 billion in new Downtown development does not appear to include enough affordable housing to meet a City Council requirement.

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City attorney: City Council has no authority to remove Confederate statues

Does Richmond City Council have the legal authority to remove or relocate the Confederate statues from Monument Avenue?

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Put Schools First offers $650M plan to modernize city schools

The volunteer Put Schools First committee is rolling out a plan that calls for spending $650 million to modernize all of Richmond’s public schools — with a goal of having 19 completed within seven years and the remaining buildings done within 12 years.

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City Council vote on meals tax hike set for Feb.12

Proving more adept at corralling a majority of City Council votes on a big issue than former Mayors L. Douglas Wilder and Dwight C. Jones, Mayor Levar M. Stoney is rushing to gain quick approval of his plan to raise the city’s current 6 percent meals tax by 1.5 cents.

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‘Deeply disappointing’

RPS superintendent reacts to city SOL scores showing 2 of every 5 students unable to pass one or more tests

The good news: More than half of Richmond’s public school students passed one or more state Standards of Learning tests in 2018 and are meeting state objectives in the core subjects of reading, writing, math, science and history/social studies.

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Creighton Court residents left in the cold

Florence Washington knows how to deal with the bitter cold when she goes outdoors. On a walk to the store, she was bundled up with a hat, earmuffs, heavy coat and several layers of clothing.

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Opponents fear Main Street Station plans will run over slave memorial

Hopes of creating a memorial park in Shockoe Bottom recalling Richmond’s role as a center of the slave trade appear to conflict with efforts to make Main Street Station a more significant passenger rail stop.

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Mayor pushes private development of new Coliseum

A pie-in-the-sky fantasy or a realistic prospect for overhauling the Coliseum area of Downtown? That question remains to be answered in the wake of Mayor Levar M. Stoney’s call for companies to provide plans for revitalizing the 10-block area from 5th to 10th streets between Marshall and Leigh streets.

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Mayor Jones’ final bow

Richmond’s chief executive reflects on his 8 years in office

Mayor Dwight C. Jones entered City Hall in 2009 amid the worst recession in 75 years. He sought to be “a unifier” who would end the turmoil between the Mayor’s Office, City Council and the School Board and would create a Richmond people were proud of.

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Critics assail Mayor Stoney’s proposal to give a new civilian review board only limited authority in handling complaints against city police

Richmond could soon have its first civilian board to review serious complaints against police officers.

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Richmond sheriff’s race heats up

Sheriff Antionette V. Irving wants voters to re-elect her to a second four-year term based on her track record operating the Richmond City Justice Center and handling other duties of the office.

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New ‘Emancipation and Freedom Monument’ unveiling draws crowds, tears

“Overwhelming!” “Excited!” “Proud!” Those were some of the comments from onlookers as they viewed the state’s new “Emancipation and Freedom Monument” that was unveiled Wednesday on Brown’s Island on the James River in Richmond’s Downtown.

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Full-court press

Navy Hill District Corp. is pulling out all stops as Feb. 24 vote by City Council on $1.5B Coliseum replacement and Downtown development nears

From robocalls to press conferences, the Navy Hill District Corp. that Dominion Energy top executive Thomas F. Farrell II heads is pulling out all the stops to generate public support for the $1.5 billion Richmond Coliseum replacement plan ahead of the scheduled vote by City Council in late February.