All results / Stories / Jeremy M. Lazarus

Harold C. Glenn, also known as ‘Soul Santa,’ dies at age 90
During a time that it was rare for a Black person to play the familiar holiday role of Santa Claus anywhere in the country, that fact did not deter Harold Cecil Glenn.

Green light shines on Diamond District
The huge plan to redevelop 67 acres of publicly owned land around The Diamond baseball stadium has a green light — despite questions about the soundness of its financial structure.

Bus Rapid Transit
Can Richmond afford to maintain proposed expensive bus service?
Can Richmond afford to operate the proposed Bus Rapid Transit system that promises speedier travel and is described as the biggest revamp in public bus service in the city in at least 50 years?

$1.1M needed for new voting equipment
Richmond is hoping to borrow voting machines to use in the upcoming June 9 Democratic primaries. At the same time, the city voter registrar is seeking more than $1.1 million from the city government to buy new voting equipment to use in the November general election. The city is one of 30 localities facing an emergency situation involving voting machines. The upheaval is the result of Tuesday’s action by the state Board of Elections decertifying the WINVote touch-screen machines that the 30 localities have used in their elections for 10 years. The board’s action essentially bans the use of the WINVote machines in any future elections, including the June 9 primaries that will be held in Richmond and nine other localities.

City Council green lights projects for 2nd Street, North Side, East End
New apartments finally could rise on the site of the former Eggleston Hotel at 2nd and Leigh streets in Jackson Ward. City Council gave a thumbs up Monday by voting 9-0 to allow the long-stalled project to receive a grant of $250,544 over seven years through the city’s Economic Development Authority. Developer Kelvin Hanson, who initially proposed Eggleston Plaza five years ago, said he hopes to have the $5.8 million project underway this summer.

Plans shape up for developments in Gilpin Court area
The Stallings family is preparing to go even bigger on developing its property in Gilpin Court, which lies north of Interstate 95 in Downtown and is best known for the public housing community.

Honeymoon over?
Plans afoot to limit mayor’s spending decisions
Richmond Mayor Levar M. Stoney’s honeymoon with Richmond City Council appears to be coming to an end. Asserting that the council needs greater control over spending, two of the newest members, Kim B. Gray, 2nd District, and Kristen N. Larson, 4th District, are planning to introduce legislation that would slap fiscal handcuffs on the mayor and his administration.

Survey open on creating city Human Rights Commission
A four-member city task force is forging ahead on a study on creating a Human Rights Commission for Richmond. The chair, Riqia E. Taylor, announced Tuesday that the task force has set up an online survey through which city residents can provide their views on the proposal.

Nonprofit regional partnership works to tackle housing affordability issues
Soaring housing costs are leaving tens of thousands of families across the Richmond region hard-pressed to pay the rent or purchase a residence.

Chesterfield Judge Pamela O’Berry in jeopardy of losing seat on bench
Judge Pamela O’Berry, currently the longest-serving Black judge in Chesterfield County, is facing removal after 12 years on the bench in Chesterfield General District Court.

Payday loan victim joins class action suit
Henrico resident Donald Garrett is joining a class action suit seeking to hold Advance ‘Til Payday loan company accountable for allegedly evading state law and charging up to 960 percent interest on small loans of $100 to $300.

Lower electric bills expected
Warmer winter weather and cheaper natural gas are fueling plans by Dominion Virginia Power to lower electricity costs for residents.

The dope on marijuana
Here’s what’s legal and what’s not in Virginia beginning Thursday, July 1
Potheads, rejoice. Smoking a joint will be legal in Virginia beginning next Thursday, July 1.

Ball now in Gov. Northam’s court on latest GOP redistricting plan
Can Virginia’s Republican House Speaker Kirk Cox cut a deal with Democratic Gov. Ralph S. Northam over a new, constitutional map for the 100 districts in the House of Delegates? That’s the big question that hangs over the release Tuesday of proposed GOP changes to House districts that Republican leaders call “race blind.”

Will Richmond be the next Charlottesville?
In defiance of Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s ban on demonstrations at the Robert E. Lee statue on Monument Avenue, a little known Tennessee-based group of Confederate sympathizers is going ahead with a rally to promote protection of the statue.

10,000 consumers to benefit from state deal with loan company
Thousands of desperate Virginia consumers who borrowed money from a supposed Native American company called Western Sky Financial soon will have their loans forgiven or will get a refund of the illegal sky-high interest they paid. Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring announced the refunds and loan forgiveness for borrowers Tuesday in disclosing a settlement with the company, CashCall Inc., that posed as the now defunct Western Sky in what he described as a deceptive and illegal borrowing scheme.

RPS summer meals program begins June 29
After school closes June 24, Richmond Public Schools will still serve free breakfast and lunch at six schools to ensure students are not hungry most of the summer, it has been announced.

Nicole Jones appointed as Michael Jones’ interim replacement on City Council
Richmond School Board member Nicole Jones has received a big boost to her campaign for the 9th District City Council seat.

Festival of the Arts
The 66th edition of Richmond’s Festival of the Arts at Dogwood Dell in Byrd Park will launch Saturday, June 10, with a six-hour showcase of music, dance, food and culture of immigrants who now live in the Richmond area.

Bankruptcy trustee recommends RCC sale to another church
And the apparent winner is United Nations Church International. Aiming to keep the Richmond Christian Center a place of worship, a court-appointed trustee is recommending a sale of the church’s 5-acre property in South Side to Richmond-based UNCI for $2.9 million.