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Aspire Academy hopes to inspire student interest
They’re lost in the classroom and repeatedly act out — leading to repeated suspensions, expulsion and, sometimes, criminal charges.

Natural gas price down again in city
Natural gas customers in Richmond are enjoying another plunge in the price of the fuel they use to heat their homes, cook and generate hot water. For the third time in eight months, the city is passing along savings to residents for the price it is paying to buy and bring the fuel to Richmond.

Richmond to lower natural gas prices
A yearlong sag in the wholesale price of natural gas will finally show up on the bills of residential and business customers in Richmond.

City natural gas price going down
Richmond residents who cook and heat with natural gas will get a price break on its cost next month because of a sharp jump in production.

GRTC fuel savings may reduce push to raise fares
Diesel fuel is a lot cheaper these days — and that’s good news for public transit companies such as GRTC. Richmond’s public transit company expects to save $1 million a year through 2018 as the result of a $1 per gallon decline in the fuel’s price.

What drives black consumer spending? Nielsen thinks it knows
African-American consumers want more for themselves and from corporate America, and they express it with their dollars as they move through the consumer journey from brand awareness to purchase, according to Nielsen’s 2019 Diverse Intelligence Series Report on African-Americans.

Natural gas price rising for Richmond customers
The cost of natural gas — the fuel most Richmond residents cook and heat with and that many businesses use — is going up for the first time in more than two years.

Price of first class stamp drops by 2¢
A postage stamp now costs 47 cents — a drop of 2 cents for a first class letter.

Evangelist Creflo Dollar drops pitch for jet
The ministry of a prominent Georgia megachurch pastor and evangelist who teaches that God wants to bless the faithful with earthly riches has dropped a pitch for donations to buy a luxury jet valued at more than $65 million. The website of Creflo Dollar Ministries no longer features a message asking followers to “Sow your love gift of any amount” to help buy a Gulfstream G650 airplane. That message has disappeared.

Give a child a book for Christmas, by Julianne Malveaux
They don’t call it “Black Friday” because they love Black people; they call it Black Friday because many businesses are pushed into the black (from the red ink of losses to the black ink of profits) on that day or into the holiday season.

Natural gas getting cheaper in Richmond
Heating and cooking with natural gas just got a little cheaper in Richmond. Effective with February’s bills, the cost of the fuel is being lowered again, saving the average residential customer about $6 a month, the city Department of Public Utilities just announced. It’s more good news for consumers who also are enjoying cheaper gasoline prices to fuel their vehicles.

The Market @ 25th working to build success
The opening of The Market @ 25th last April was marked with great fanfare, Armstrong High School’s marching band, a balloon release and high hopes for a community known for being a food desert.

SNAP benefits now can be used for online grocery shopping
Food stamps now can be used to buy groceries online in Richmond and across the state.

Technology bridges equitable access in Va., by Shara Gibson
Access to technology is a vital step in ensuring equitable opportunities for everyone, specifically when it comes to minority small business owners. Our country relies on the entrepreneurial spirit that the “American Dream” has inspired in all of us, and access to technology is the backbone of creating successful and sustainable businesses.

GRTC sees rise in riders purchasing passes
GRTC is carrying more people but taking in less money at the farebox.

Jackson Ward hotel project dies after dispute with RRHA over land price
In the summer of 2019, the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority awarded a Black-led development team the right to build a 115-room hotel, at least 63 apartments and a retail store on 3.4 acres in Jackson Ward.

Va. Legislative Black Caucus pushes bipartisan measures to end school-to-prison pipeline
Capital News Service The Virginia Legislative Black Caucus was joined Monday by a bipartisan group of state legislators supporting bills to combat the school-to-prison pipeline.

Chronic absenteeism declining among RPS students
This school year, the majority of Richmond Public Schools students are present and accounted for each school day. Harry Hughes, chief of schools, reported during the Nov. 5 Richmond School Board meeting that the rate of RPS students missing school has decreased since the beginning of the school year.
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