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LeBron leading Lakers against his old Heat team in NBA finals

For four glorious seasons, LeBron James was the ultimate hero of Miami. Now he’s the villain.

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City property values on the rise in many areas

Richmond’s land book of assessed values shows why affordable housing is now a big issue.

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Ready for sale: City wants to dispose of high-value property

The vacant Richmond Coliseum in Downtown. The aging Arthur Ashe Jr. Athletic Center in North Side. The historic but long-closed Fulton Gasworks in the East End. These are among 13 pieces of city property described as high-value that Mayor Levar M. Stoney’s administra- tion wants permission to sell.

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Free COVID-19 testing

Free community testing for COVID-19 continues.

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Mayor’s challengers go on the offense during candidates forum

Richmond Mayor Levar M. Stoney was roundly criticized during a forum last week by four challengers seeking to unseat him for what they said is his administration’s lack of transparency.

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Adoption advocate and political campaign volunteer Annette ‘Nettie’ Gordon dies at 82

Annette White “Nettie” Gordon, who helped build an adoption program focused on Black children and volunteered in campaigns of Democratic candidates, has died.

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More civic engagement is needed before Broad Street rezoning

On Monday, Sept. 28, the Richmond City Council tabled for 30 days a rezoning ordinance allowing 20-story and taller buildings on Broad Street between Belvidere Street and Arthur Ashe Boulevard. This delay benefits all of Richmond because it provides the opportunity to bring all parties into a citywide consideration of new zoning that creates growth everywhere.

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Mayor Stoney proposes 5 new city parks for South Side

Thirteen years ago, City Hall spent about $400,000 to tear down the decrepit Madison Arms apartments at Lynhaven Avenue and Drake Street in South Side.

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Mo Alie-Cox helps hand the Colts a win

Mo Alie-Cox has some of the largest hands in the NFL and, last Sunday, he showed them off.

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Georgia Bulldogs racial barrier breaker Ronnie Hogue dies at 69

Ronnie Hogue, the University of Georgia’s first Black scholarship basketball player, died Friday, Sept. 18, 2020. He was 69.

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Nothing Nobel about Trump, by Dr. E. Faye Williams

Albert Einstein is attributed with saying, “It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.”

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Justice, equality and freedom are elusive, by Charlene Crowell

The Aug. 23 police shooting of an unarmed Black man in Kenosha, Wis., triggered yet another round of community protests and national news coverage.

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“Wanton murder”

Breonna Taylor’s family attorney decries the decision of a Kentucky grand jury to absolve 2 white police offers in her shooting death, while charging a third with endangering Ms. Taylor’s neighbors

Two white policemen who fired shots inside the apartment of Breonna Taylor, a Black emergency medical technician, will not be prosecuted for her death because their use of force was justified, while a third police officer was charged with endangering her neighbors, Kentucky’s attorney general announced on Wednesday.

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Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg remembered as an agent of change

Jennifer Carroll Foy remembers the moment that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg changed her life.

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James Cooper Jr., RPS computer pro, dies at 85

James Cooper Jr., who trained Richmond Public Schools teachers and staff to use computers as they came into common use in the 1980s, has died.

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Towering tandem may take L.A. Lakers to NBA championship

LeBron James and Anthony Davis may be the most entertaining one-two combination since rock and roll.

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City surplus larger than reported

It turns out that Richmond’s surplus is actually $7.9 million larger than reported, Mayor Levar M. Stoney’s administration has confirmed.

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Former political star, who narrowly lost Fla. governor’s race, talks about his public flame out in March

Andrew Gillum, who narrowly lost his bid to become Florida’s first Black governor in 2018, told a television interviewer he is bisexual, responding to rumors swirling since March after he was found intoxicated, naked and unconscious in a hotel room with two men, including one who works as a male escort.

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Personality: LaToya Gray Sparks

Spotlight on the winner of ESRI’s 2020 Educational Map Contest

LaToya Gray Sparks’ digital story map of how Richmond’s first master plan impacted Black residents contains a wealth of information.

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City spurns cold weather shelter for ‘non-congregant’ housing for homeless

For the first time in at least 19 years, City Hall will not be opening a cold weather shelter on Oct. 1 as a warm place for homeless adults when temperatures fall to 40 degrees and below.