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State’s second medical marijuana dispensary opens in Richmond

Virginia’s second medical cannabis processor has opened in Richmond.

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Kaine-Holton household split on casino

U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine gave casino opponents a boost when he announced that he had voted against the proposed South Side gambling mecca.

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Maymont’s spring break includes baby goats and three little chicks

April in Maymont means loads of activities for Richmonders to enjoy. On Friday, April 7, the Maymont Mansion and The Robins Nature Center will be open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., to take in the arrival of five baby goats and three Brahma chicks to the Maymont Farm.

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Delegate McQuinn to host annual Community Resource Day

Delegate Delores McQuinn of the 81st District will host her free annual Community Resource Day event on Saturday, May 4, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at New Bridge Baptist Church, 5807 Nine Mile Road.

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VCU Health and VCU to walk in honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

The Martin Luther King Jr. Community Walk and Celebration honors the life and legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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Sales tax holiday starts Aug. 7

This is the weekend to save on state sales tax.

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Larry J. Bland seriously ill

Larry J. Bland, Richmond’s celebrated gospel choir director, issued an email Tuesday stating that he is suffering from a serious illness and included a request for prayers and privacy.

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Soul Santa arrives Saturday at Black History Museum

Soul Santa will spend two Saturdays at the Black History Museum and Cultural Center of Virginia in Jackson Ward. From noon to 4 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 2, and Saturday, Dec. 9, Soul Santa will listen to children’s holiday wishes and pose for holiday pictures with youngsters.

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Pride Month marred by anti-LGBTQ+ bills, by Marc H. Morial

“We are powerful because we have survived, and that is what it is all about—survival and growth.” — Audre Lorde

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Nasal flush possibly remedy to fight off coronavirus?

Photographer and home builder Robert Liverman has become an unlikely crusader for a method he believes people can use to help protect themselves from COVID-19 — daily rins- ing their noses.

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Annie Giles Center to have grand reopening ceremony July 31

It has been a soup kitchen and a shelter for the homeless during the winter.

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Pass the Freedom to Vote Act, by Ben Jealous

Republican-controlled state legislatures have imposed new voting restrictions. They are getting ready to create more safe congressional seats for Republicans through abusive partisan redistricting. They are undermining faith in elections with false claims about election fraud and demands for fake “audits.”

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Wishing for governance ‘devoid of biases’, by Dr. E. Faye Williams

When you read this, we will be in the year 2022 or almost there. I hope the new year will hold the realization of your most cherished hopes and dreams.

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Here comes Gen Z, by Svante Myrick

When 25-year-old Maxwell Frost of Florida takes his seat in the U.S. House this month, he will be the nation’s first Gen Z member of Congress. That—in and of itself—is a major milestone and accomplishment.

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Va. lawmakers again decline to put restrictions on personal use of campaign accounts

Virginia lawmakers on Wednesday defeated for another year campaign finance reform legislation that would have prohibited elected officials from spending political donations on personal expenses such as mortgages, vacations or gym memberships.

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Terrorist’s act a hate crime

The shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando was horrific. Nobody would argue that.

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City rent and mortgage assistance program to get additional $8M in federal funds

City Hall will pump an additional $8 million into a rent and mortgage assistance program in a bid to help hundreds of strug- gling Richmond families avoid eviction.

Keep the pressure on

We are encouraged and inspired by the activism of students in Metro Richmond and across the nation who staged school walkouts on Wednesday to remember the victims of the Valentine’s Day school massacre in Parkland, Fla., and to push federal and state lawmakers for tougher gun laws.

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Plans shape up for developments in Gilpin Court area

The Stallings family is preparing to go even bigger on developing its property in Gilpin Court, which lies north of Interstate 95 in Downtown and is best known for the public housing community.