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Examining the past

Monument Avenue Commission starts work on Confederate statue issue

When it comes to cities grappling with public monuments to Confederates, many municipalities have opted to remove them. That was the summation stated Monday during the opening meeting of a small work group of the Monument Avenue Commission.

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Charlottesville roils with protests over Confederate statue

Protests reminiscent of Ku Klux Klan rallies are rattling Charlottesville over the city’s plans to remove a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee from a park in downtown.

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Richmond Public Schools undergoes staff changes

Richmond Public Schools’ leadership team is undergoing a major makeover. Ralph Westbay, who helped craft the school system’s current budget plan as the assistant superintendent for financial services, is retiring May 1.

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El ignites passion, inspires VCU grads

“Go make the world a better place for people everywhere,” was the recurring message to the more than 5,000 graduates of Virginia Commonwealth University at commencement exercises last Saturday at the Richmond Coliseum. “This begins not only a new chapter in your life, but a new chapter for humanity,” said VCU President Michael Rao. In addition to congratulating the graduates, he thanked them for the opportunity to be a part of their educational lives. “What you’ve done here extends beyond our campus boundaries,” Dr. Rao continued. “Lives will be changed — not just courses completed.”

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‘Jesus is a good cure for fear’

WASHINGTON In his last National Prayer Breakfast speech while in office, President Obama gave an introspective talk about how his faith overcomes his fears. “For me, and I know for so many of you, faith is the great cure for fear,” President Obama said at the event Feb. 4 at a Washington hotel. “Jesus is a good cure for fear.”

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President Obama on the death of Congressman John Lewis

Editor’s note: Former President Obama issued the following statement last Saturday on the death of Rep. John Lewis of Georgia. It stands in stark contrast to that tweeted by the current occupant of the White House.

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Calling out the Republicans

When you elect a clown, expect a circus. And this month’s impeachment hearings have been precisely that. Yelling, shouting and disrespectful accusing seem more the rule than the exception.

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Trump, Iran and answers

Now that President Trump has pushed America to the brink of war in the Middle East, we want answers.

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Confederate statues in State Capitol remain unaddressed

As the General Assembly wrestles over whether to give localities the right to control their Confederate monuments, their debate is being waged in the State Capitol — a virtual shrine to the Confederacy.

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Tribute to Rep. Elijah E. Cummings

by Marc H. Morial

It’s hard to express how great a loss the death of Congressman Elijah E. Cummings represents for the civil rights community.

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RPS rezoning plans with pairings criticized as too costly

Parents and community members voiced opposition to several proposals to rezone Richmond Public Schools attendance districts, saying the plans are too costly and diversity in schools can be achieved in other ways.

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The new Poor People’s Campaign

Recently, comedian Chris Rock made a good point when he said that U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell has represented the state of Kentucky for more than 30 years and he’s one of the nation’s most powerful and richest senators.

Gun tragedies and inaction

We woke up the morning after the Florida high school tragedy hearing that 95 percent of the American people support stronger background checks before someone can buy a gun. That sounds like a no-brainer because only 4 percent of the people oppose these checks

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Obamacare ruling a ‘political hand grenade’

After two long years of fruitlessly trying to kill Obamacare, the Republican Party and President Trump have been given a political hand grenade by a federal judge in Texas to get the job done.

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Deshauna Barber, Miss USA 2016 and VSU alumna, keeps it real for VSU fall graduates

Miss USA 2016 Deshauna Barber, a Virginia State University alumna and captain in the U.S. Army Reserve, provided some valuable life lessons during VSU’s fall commencement, which was held last Saturday at the school’s Multi-Purpose Center.

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Taxes, gambling to lead debate in 2019 General Assembly

Virginia’s 2019 legislative session kicked off Wednesday, with lawmakers set to debate tax policy, gambling and a host of other issues.

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The shutdown and collateral damage

As I write this, our federal government has been shut down for more than a month. At first, it seemed like a gamesmanship joke, like who was going to blink first.

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State executioner who turned against the death penalty dies at 67

For 17 years, Jerry Bronson Givens carried out death sentences as Virginia’s chief executioner. The Richmond native then spent the rest of his life crusading against the death penalty.

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Making sense of the 2020 Census, by Logan James

We know all lives matter, but are all lives being counted?