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Fields loses appeal in murder conviction from Charlottesville rally
The Ohio man sent to prison for driving his car into a crowd of counterprotesters during a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville in August 2017 has lost his bid to appeal his conviction, the Court of Appeals of Virginia ruled Tuesday.

2-year-old teaches cashier lesson on beauty of all skin colors
Brandi Benner and her husband, Nick, took their 2-year-old, Sophia, to Target last week to let her buy a special gift for a major milestone — pooping on the potty for one month straight.
Price puts events out of reach for some area residents
Re: “First African-American police officers to be remembered in April 30 ceremony,” March 31-April 2 edition: I remember very well three of the four policemen who are to be honored. They were officers in my younger days. I would like to come to the ceremony, however, I cannot afford to pay the $50 the event organizers are charging to attend the ceremony. I am a citizen who lives off a very low income each month.

Black lawmakers angered over Va. Supreme Court predicament
African-American members of the Virginia General Assembly are seething at Republican leaders for putting them in a predicament over a judicial selection to the Virginia Supreme Court.

Raise the minimum wage
Day in and day out, men and women all over our country work hard at their jobs but hardly have anything to show for it. As the debate over income inequality and narrowing the ever-widening wealth gap continues to dominate our national and political conversations, private corporations and states are taking matters into their own hands, bridging the dueling divides of income and opportunity by increasing the minimum wage.

‘Fifth Little Girl’ of 1963 Klan bombing reunites with nurse
On Sept. 15, Birmingham commemorated the explosion that proved to be a turning point in the Civil Rights Movement
When an initially blinded, and nearly lifeless, 12-year-old girl found in the rubble of a church bombing was wheeled onto the 10th floor of University Hospital in Birmingham nearly 60 years ago, one of the first people to tend to the child was Rosetta “Rose” Hughes, a nurse.

Blackwell development to continue with 96 available lots
It has taken 21 years, but the Hope VI redevelopment of Blackwell appears to be moving toward completion.

VSU Trojan Explosion Marching Band suspended amid hazing allegations
All perfomances of the Virginia State University’s marching band have been suspended following allegations of hazing by band members, university officials said Monday.

Webinar previews Petersburg’s future insulin facility
Petersburg’s role in producing more affordable insulin in the United States will be highlighted during RVA757 Connects’ Virtual Innovation Spotlight webinar Wednesday, Feb. 1.

It’s Met Gala time again — here’s what we know so far
Last year, it took 275,000 bright pink roses to adorn the Metropolitan Museum of Art for the Met Gala, the biggest night in fashion and one of the biggest concentrations of star power anywhere.

Life interrupted
Coronavirus pandemic disrupts work, study and play as the number of cases rises throughout the state
Coronavirus has been uncovered in Virginia’s capital city, adding to the anxiety and concern about the illness.

Needed: A better deal
Mayor Levar M. Stoney’s administration hoped to expand a program that helps city employees to buy homes in the city.

Local chef-caterer turns empty church kitchen into a busy business
On weekdays, the kitchen at Faith Community Baptist Church in Richmond’s East End is a beehive of activity six hours a day.
Many people helped make change possible
As we honor, with a well-deserved commemorative marker, the brave Virginia Union University men and women students who broke down Virginia’s Jim Crow policy of segregated lunch counters, let’s not forget the courageous men and women who picketed with the NAACP on the sidewalks, as well as the Presbyterian theology students from Union Theological Seminary who also joined in the cause.

GRTC updates
GRTC updates: Students’ free rides delayed until September and few riders buy money-saving passes

RPS launches program to help dropouts get diploma or GED
Battling one of the highest dropout rates in Virginia, Richmond Public Schools is launching a Secondary Success Center to help students who have dropped out return to earn their high school diploma or a GED.

18-story apartment tower planned for Belvidere, Grace streets
Richmond is losing another gas station on the edge of Downtown, but is set to gain a $100 million apartment tower in exchange.

Lochte loses sponsors after Olympic embarrassment
U.S. swimmer Ryan Lochte lost the last of his four major sponsors, Japanese mattress maker Airweave, days after he admitted to exaggerating his story about being robbed at gunpoint in Rio during the Olympics. The incident embarrassed the host city, angered the local police and government and dominated news coverage of South America’s first Olympics, leading the U.S. Olympic Committee to issue an apology.