
Free virtual series on preparing for reopening

4/22/2021, 6 p.m.
ChildSavers, the nonprofit mental health and child development services agency, is hosting a monthlong series of free, virtual conversations with …

ChildSavers, the nonprofit mental health and child development services agency, is hosting a monthlong series of free, virtual conversations with health and faith leaders to help caregivers navigate mental health challenges and prepare for the reopening of schools and other activities during COVID-19.

The first panel, “Are You Ready for Re-Opening?”, will be held 8 p.m. Thursday, April 22, and will feature Dr. Danny Avula, state vaccine coordinator with the Virginia Department of Health; Rev. Marvin L. Gilliam Jr. of Mount Carmel Baptist Church; Alisha Saunders-Wilson and Bob Nickles of ChildSavers; and the Rev. Pierre L. Greene of Capitol Financial Solutions.

The panel will address processing emotions and big life events from the past year; how to transition out of survival mode as a parent, teacher or caregiver; helpful tips on transitioning into a new phase; best practices for self-care while caregiving; and planning for family vaccinations.

Future sessions will be held 8 p.m. Thursday, April 29, May 6 and May 13. Topics will be announced.

Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/community-discussion-for-caregivers-planning-for-re-opening-tickets-145566249571?aff=ebdsoporgprofile