
Oh ye of little faith

8/31/2023, 6 p.m.
Gov. Glenn A. Youngkin and Attorney General Jason S. Miyares both profess to be men of Christian faith, which calls …

Gov. Glenn A. Youngkin and Attorney General Jason S. Miyares both profess to be men of Christian faith, which calls on adherents to be accepting of people no matter their status, resources or appearance.

So why do they take such comfort supporting the oppression of transgender people?

Given all the attention the governor and Mr. Miyares have given the topic, you would think that people who say their actual gender is the opposite of their outward appearance – they are a girl despite looking like a boy or a boy rather than the outward girl – are overrunning the state, instead of being a tiny minority.

Best estimates suggest that possibly 1.6 million people in the U.S. identify as transgender, or far less than 1% of the population of 335 million.

In Virginia, the transgender population numbers about 38,000 people, or four-100ths of the state’s 8.6 million people.

Somehow, this tiny group represents a threat to these leaders and others who support them despite their stated adherence to the belief that all people are made in God’s image.

No one chooses to be transgender or gay or straight. We are all the product of the mixing of genes from a man and a woman. While it is quite clear that being heterosexual is the result for most of us, it does not always work that way. And for smaller numbers, the outcomes are different. That is known. That is science. That is reality.

In the case of transgender people, though, the governor and attorney general believe they have a right and a duty to stomp on those who are different.

They insist that public school districts follow new Board of Education rules that public schools can only recognize students by the sex they were born with and the name on their birth certificate.

Across the state, there are an estimated 6,200 transgender youths ages 13 to 17, or high school age. They are spread among the 623 public and private high schools, meaning an average of nine students per school if they were spread evenly.

So, a school can’t create one unisex bathroom that would allow those few students to have a comfortable place to relieve themselves? Teachers and administrators can’t adjust to a preferred name for the, at most, handful of students they might encounter?

This obsession with making life miserable for transgender students and adults needs to stop.

It makes no sense that people who openly talk about their faith as Gov. Youngkin does to then do things that belie their words. Is that what Jesus teaches: Hate transgender people? Or did he teach, “Love they neighbor,” no matter who they are?

It seems such faith hypocrisy is on the rise.

Another report of such faith hypocrisy comes from Rhonda Sneed, the volunteer leader of the homeless services support group Blessing Warriors RVA.

She noted that two local churches appear to have turned their back on Jesus’ teachings regarding the homeless.

Declining to publicly identify the churches, Ms. Sneed reported that one church, where a few unsheltered people sleep under a porch roof, hired security guards to chase them away at 2 a.m. last week.

Ms. Sneed also noted how another church ruthlessly threw out sleeping bags a few homeless people had stored behind the church’s dumpster.

She stated that one of the churches that meted out the harsh treatment posts on its website, “Be a living witness to Christ’s justice and love, especially to the most vulnerable among us.”

We can only shake our heads in dismay.