

America must rebuke a new feudalism, by Jesse L. Jackson Sr.

The pomp and circumstance of the crowning of King Charles III filled TV sets.

Addressing lung cancer health disparities, by Dr. Robert A. Winn

The cancer field has made incredible progress in “molecules to medicine” – finding new ways to target and treat cancer and developing innovative treatments such as immunotherapies. But these advances alone are not going to solve persistent disparities in lung …

Purging the voice, will of the people, by David Marshall

Whether you’re a Republican, Democrat, or Independent, President Joe Biden needs to be re-elected regardless of whether you like him.

Where are the parents, aunties and uncles?, by David Marshall

The shooting of Ralph Yarl is a story that is still relatively fresh in today’s news cycle. While the shooting of the Black 16-year-old in Kansas City, Mo., was senseless and avoidable, it represents how much of a violent nation …

Attacks on Black people cause lasting trauma, by Julianne Malveaux

All Ralph Yarl was trying to do was pick up his siblings in Kansas City. He went to a home on 1100 NE 115th Street instead of 1100 NE 115th Terrace, an understandable mistake that could have been easily rectified …

Clarence Thomas does not belong on Supreme Court, by Svante Myrick

It’s been over 30 years since Justice Clarence Thomas was confirmed to the Supreme Court seat once held by the great Thurgood Marshall, and it’s safe to say that his reputation for unethical behavior – which was poor to start …

The Kamala Harris I saw in Africa, by Errin Haines

In many ways, Vice President Kamala Harris’ visit to Africa in late March and early April was not unlike her stops in cities across the United States: She made a pitch to communities, touted an administration policy backed with funding, …

Why do Christians create structures that hurt trans children?, by Candice Benbow

There are currently 44 states with anti-trans legislation. They run the gamut from banning drag performances to prohibiting care to trans youths to restricting the use of public restrooms and facilities.

Community colleges are the gems of America’s higher education system, by Dr. Linnie S. Carter

I have been blessed to serve four community colleges – two in Virginia, one in North Carolina and now one in Pennsylvania.

To be equal: ‘Tennessee Three’ fiasco, by Marc H. Morial

“We won’t be bent, we won’t be bowed, and we won’t be ordered to ignore the hearts and minds of the people who elected us, demanding commonsense gun safety in a state that has nearly none. The GOP of the …

Clarence Thomas and high court’s low ethical standards, by Clarence Page

It must be more than a little embarrassing for a Supreme Court justice to lament that he took some bad legal advice. But the embarrassment will be worth it for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas if it helps him to …

Another lynching in Tennessee, by Julianne Malveaux

The abolitionist journalist Ida B. Wells’ quest to document lynchings began when three of her friends, Tommy Moss, Calvin McDowell, and Will Stewart, were lynched because white people were envious of their economic success.

Curbing gun violence demands focus on stronger laws, helping those who’ve been hurt, by Thomas P. Kapsidelis

When Republicans in the Tennessee House were challenged on gun control after three 9-year-old children and three adults were slain at a Christian elementary school in Nashville, Tenn., they responded by expelling two Black representatives who led a protest on …

Equal justice, even for Trump, by Clarence Page

Yusef Salaam, whom you may remember as one of the exonerated Central Park Five, had only one word to tweet to those who wanted to know his feelings about the indictment of Donald Trump: “Karma,” he offered. Karma? I’ve heard …