Elon Musk trying to figure out Twitter, by Clarence Page
After closing his $44 billion deal to purchase Twitter, Elon Musk still seemed to be trying to figure out what he had bought.
Democracy matters, even after elections, by Clarence Page
In his highly publicized speech on the perils facing American democracy as midterm Election Day approached, President Biden was largely preaching to the choir. The sermon needs to be preached, but is anybody listening?
Black excellence needed again in baseball, by David W. Marshall
The Philadelphia Phillies and Houston Astros competition in the recent 2022 World Series was the first time since 1950 that there was not a single American-born Black player on either team’s 26-person roster.
Race neutrality is anti-Blackness, by Julianne Malveaux
During this Supreme Court session, the justices will tackle affirmative action in two cases brought by “Students for Fair Admissions,” opposing affirmative action policies at Harvard University and the University of North Carolina.
Atwater ghost haunts midterm elections, by Marc H. Morial
“It is not new to see antisemitism or overt racism in politics. What is new is after years ... in which it was clear that to be credible in public life politicians had to reject prejudice, it’s now been normalized …
Better wages for low-wage workers at tipping point, by Clarence Page
As our pre-pandemic way of life struggles to make a come- back—which I, for one, am rooting for it to do—one tradition that I greet with mixed emotions is my personal subsidy to low-wage workers. I’m talking about tipping.
‘When someone shows you who they are, believe them’, by Dr. E. Faye Williams
In this campaign season, I am reminded of the fable of the scorpion and the frog.
Alabama’s defense of racially-gerrymandered districts defies logic, by Marc H. Morial
In its zeal to defend the racially discriminatory congressional districts state legislators created to dilute the political participation of their Black constituents, Alabama is making a mockery of the Constitution.
Calling out global anti-Blackness, by Julianne Malveaux
In Los Angeles, City Council President Nury Martinez resigned both her council presidency and later her seat after someone leaked vile racist sentiments that she shared with members of a Latinx cabal that included other council members, Kevin de Leon …
Police Chief Gerald Smith issues statement on weekend gun violence
The Richmond Police Department worked throughout the weekend following up on numerous leads and investi-
Unite to defend Black vote now, by Ben Jealous
Right before our last national elections in 2020, thousands of Black voters in Detroit got a call from someone posing as a woman named “Tamika Taylor.” She warned them that if they voted, the government would collect their personal information …
DeSantis embraces ‘left-wing stuff’, by Jesse L. Jackson Sr.
As extreme weather caused floods in Kentucky, collapse of the water system in Jackson, Miss., and the savage destruction of Central Florida—to say nothing of fires and drought and a growing water shortage in the West—we ought to agree on …
A question of justice, by Jesse L. Jackson Sr.
In 1838, in a shameful chapter of American history, U.S. forces under Gen. Winfield Scott forced tens of thousands of Cherokee Indians – one of the “Five Civilized Tribes” that had embraced the customs and language of white settlers – …
Black wombs matter: ‘Aftershock’, by Julianne Malveaux
Did you know that Black women are three or four times more likely to die from childbirth complications than white women? Congresswoman Robin Kelly (D-IL), who heads the Congressional Black Caucus Health Brain trust, said the data are more dire …
Henrico County voters and the $511.4M question, by Brandon Hinton
Serving 340,000 people at the local government level can be a challenge. Differing populations can yield differing expectations when it comes to public services. In Henrico County, this is entirely expected – and also wholly wel- comed. While decisions made …