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Jackson Ward church hosts Social Justice Weekend

Sixth Mount Zion Baptist Church in Jackson Ward is hosting a “Social Justice Weekend” Saturday, Nov. 14, and Sunday, Nov. 15.

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10 drugs targeted for Medicare price negotiations as Biden pitches cost reductions

President Biden touted the potential cost savings of Medicare’s first-ever price negotiations for widely used prescription drugs on Tuesday as he struggles to convince Americans that he’s improved their lives as he runs for reelection.

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Virginia universities announce graduation dates, speakers

College graduations start throughout Virginia in the next two weeks, with thousands of students receiving their diplomas and taking their hard-earned knowledge out into the world.


Volunteers working hard to clear, maintain cemetery

Re “VCU center developing master plan for historic Evergreen Cemetery,” Free Press March 15-17 edition: We’re writing to offer a clarification to your article. Toward the end of the story about Evergreen Cemetery, the writer refers to “adjoining neglected and abandoned East End Cemetery.” In fact, a huge swath of East End has been cleared for years and is being maintained year-round by volunteers.

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Holiday Events Calendar

Attend these holiday events...

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GRTC updates

GRTC updates: Students’ free rides delayed until September and few riders buy money-saving passes

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CoStar to expand in Richmond, building a new riverfront office tower and creating up to 3,000 new jobs

Up to 3,000 new jobs and a new 26-story riverfront office tower that will rank as the tallest office building in Virginia.

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Profits marginalize Black patients

Good health is our greatest asset.

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African dance company eyeing former Jackson Ward church building

Could the vacant former Sharon Baptist Church in Jackson Ward become a performing arts center for an African dance company and other arts groups?

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Larus Park water sale on track for approval

A controversial City Hall plan to sell more water to Chesterfield County appears to be on track to win Richmond City Council approval now that a key member is supportive.

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Jackson Ward hotel project dies after dispute with RRHA over land price

In the summer of 2019, the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority awarded a Black-led development team the right to build a 115-room hotel, at least 63 apartments and a retail store on 3.4 acres in Jackson Ward.

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School opens for students recovering from addiction

High school students in Central Virginia recovering from alcohol and substance abuse now have a school designed to meet their academic, emotional and social support needs as they work toward earning a diploma.

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City day care program rolls out with waiting list

The new school year launched Tuesday with all classes online in Richmond, but the promise of a robust, city-supported day care program for children of working parents and for parents with weak links to the internet has yet to be fulfilled — and it is unclear when it will be.

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Election Day less than smooth for local voter

Eugene M. Price finally has been told his vote will count, six days after the Nov. 8 election. The 73-year-old Richmond auto mechanic said Monday he got a call from the city Voter Registrar’s Office telling him that the provisional ballot he cast was accepted and would be included in the city’s total vote after it was determined that he was properly registered to vote and that his name should have been on the voter rolls.

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$1 City selling home sites for low, moderate income families

Vacant property for $1. That’s the price that City Hall is setting to clear out its inventory of home sites and to help cut the future purchase price of the houses to be built on them. This effort also will help finish partially completed developments that have been on hold since the economic recession began in 2008. In a first step, at least 16 lots are being prepared for sale, primarily in Southern Barton Heights. A few lots in Swansboro on South Side and in Newtowne West near Virginia Union University also are part of the sale. The board of the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority, the properties’ nominal owner, helped clear the way by approving the transfer of the properties to the city at its meeting last week.

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Hampton defeats Norfolk 17-7 in legendary battle

Norfolk State and Hampton Universities have gone their separate ways, but “The Battle of the Bay” remains a must-see attraction.
