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Altria Theater lights up with new acoustics, amenities

Revamped acoustics — including a new sound system and sound-absorbing materials — are among the biggest changes in the grand venue once known as The Mosque and Richmond’s Landmark Theater.

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Natural gas getting cheaper in Richmond

Heating and cooking with natural gas just got a little cheaper in Richmond. Effective with February’s bills, the cost of the fuel is being lowered again, saving the average residential customer about $6 a month, the city Department of Public Utilities just announced. It’s more good news for consumers who also are enjoying cheaper gasoline prices to fuel their vehicles.

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State may force city to replace voting machines

Richmond, Henrico County and 27 other localities might be forced to immediately buy new voting machines for use in upcoming elections. The reason: The state Board of Elections is considering banning the wireless touch-screen machines the city and the other localities successfully have used for 10 years.

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Petersburg man lost dream, but made $45,000 profit

Montague D. Phipps had big dreams three years ago when he bought a derelict duplex from the City of Petersburg for the rock-bottom price of $5,000.

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System failure

RPS loses thousands of laptops

Richmond Public Schools wasted millions of federal support dollars buying 20,000 extra Chromebook laptop computers it didn’t need after going virtual during the pandemic, an internal audit has found.


RRHA ‘missed a golden opportunity’ to help people become homeowners

Re “Prospect of home ownership escapes 70-year-old Randolph resident,” Free Press June 29-July 1 edition: I was appalled reading the Free Press front page story about Charlene Harris, the 70-year-old Randolph resident. Is the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority’s management becoming aloof and unfeeling towards the residents they serve? To think that the RRHA would move a 70-year-old lady from a house she has lived in and called home for 49 years and relocate her into a less desirable house and neighborhood is inconceivable.    

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What’s all the Hoopla?

Richmond Public Library doubles its digital offerings

The Richmond Public Library just doubled its offerings of books, music, movies, TV shows, video games and other items, and it didn’t have to buy anything.

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Prospect of home ownership escapes 70-year-old Randolph resident

Charlene C. Harris hoped to buy the home in Randolph that she and her family have rented for nearly 50 years from the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority.

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Stolen private account information discovered by UR security

During a security sweep, the University of Richmond’s information security staff discovered a website containing a list of stolen account credentials — a list with approximately 1.4 billion pieces of private account information such as email addresses and passwords.

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Utility giants abandon natural gas pipeline plans

The rural tranquility of Union Hill — a community that newly freed slaves built in Buckingham County after the Civil War — is no longer facing disturbance from a giant, noisy natural gas compressor.


Sign up for affordable health care by Feb. 15

Too many in our city lack health insurance. However, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) affords us the opportunity to do something about it. Residents can now take advantage of an open enrollment period for health care plans available under the ACA.

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Crab Feast & Fish Fry fundraiser Saturday for Peter Paul Development Center

The Men of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church will hold their annual benefit Crab Feast & Fish Fry 3 to 6 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 7, at Peter Paul Development Center, 1708 N. 22nd St. in the East End.

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Hip-hop legends at Richmond Coliseum

If you want to go back in the day, Friday night’s Masters of Ceremony Hip Hop Reunion may be the place for you.

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28th Annual Southern Women’s Show March 22-24 at Richmond Raceway Complex

The 28th Annual Southern Women’s Show is coming to Richmond with fashion shows, cooking demonstrations, celebrity appearances and exhibitors offering information, products and services, including boutiques with the latest styles, trendy jewelry, home décor, gourmet treats, health and fitness and beauty items.

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Lesson for the holidays

Did you notice that some stores are already touting Christmas sales? 

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Elegba Folklore Society offers film screening and book expo

The Elegba Folklore Society’s 3rd Saturday Documentaries will screen “James Baldwin: The Price of the Ticket” on Feb. 18 at 5 p.m. at Elegba Folklore Society’s Cultural Center, 101 E. Broad St.

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Housing authority buys Grace Place

The city’s housing authority has purchased a failing 11-story apartment building in Downtown in a bid to keep it as an income-restricted property offering lower than market rents.

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Grace Street development plan on hold

Plans to develop nearly a block of city property on East Grace Street into an $86 million office, hotel and residential complex are headed back to the drawing board after Mayor Levar M. Stoney withdrew legislation on the project. Bob Englander of CathFord Consulting, who proposed the project, said

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Hope for healing

7 months after New York Times exposé, healthy equity advocates, Bon Secours report progress

Bon Secours Richmond is starting to receive positive feedback from advocates who had harshly criticized the hospital system for allegedly failing to re-invest income from a federal discount pricing program into low-income communities, most notably Richmond Community Hospital and low-income residents living nearby.